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How to Use GCloud to Deploy LAMP Servers on Google Cloud Compute Engine

Learn how to use the gcloud CLI and startup scripts to deploy a LAMP server on Google Cloud Compute.

Even after more than a decade, a LAMP server (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) is one of the most used server configurations on the Internet. Despite competition from newer languages and frameworks, PHP continues to power today's digital communities.

Getting Started

What's Included in this article

  • Make a network with gcloud.
  • Using gcloud, create a compute instance.
  • WordPress database configuration
  • Set up WordPress

Getting Ready to Provision

Choosing a Base Image

A compute instance is a virtual machine on which an operating system is installed. To deploy a compute instance, you must first choose an operating system by selecting a base image.

The gcloud compute images list command returns a list of accessible images. Because an unfiltered list is rather long, it is recommended that you filter it.

glcoud compute images list
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NAME                                                  PROJECT            FAMILY                            DEPRECATED  STATUS
centos-6-v20200811                                    centos-cloud       centos-6                                      READY
centos-7-v20200811                                    centos-cloud       centos-7                                      READY
centos-8-v20200811                                    centos-cloud       centos-8                                      READY
coreos-alpha-2514-1-0-v20200526                       coreos-cloud       coreos-alpha                                  READY
coreos-beta-2513-2-0-v20200526                        coreos-cloud       coreos-beta                                   READY
coreos-stable-2512-3-0-v20200526                      coreos-cloud       coreos-stable                                 READY
cos-77-12371-1072-0                                   cos-cloud          cos-77-lts                                    READY
cos-81-12871-1185-0                                   cos-cloud          cos-81-lts                                    READY
cos-beta-81-12871-117-0                               cos-cloud          cos-beta                                      READY
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The -filter flag, which allows regex, is used to apply a filter. The following command might be used to filter the list for Ubuntu images.

glcoud compute images --filter ubuntu
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NAME                                  PROJECT          FAMILY                   DEPRECATED  STATUS
ubuntu-1604-xenial-v20200807          ubuntu-os-cloud  ubuntu-1604-lts                      READY
ubuntu-1804-bionic-v20200807          ubuntu-os-cloud  ubuntu-1804-lts                      READY
ubuntu-2004-focal-v20200810           ubuntu-os-cloud  ubuntu-2004-lts                      READY
ubuntu-minimal-1604-xenial-v20200807  ubuntu-os-cloud  ubuntu-minimal-1604-lts              READY
ubuntu-minimal-1804-bionic-v20200806  ubuntu-os-cloud  ubuntu-minimal-1804-lts              READY
ubuntu-minimal-2004-focal-v20200729   ubuntu-os-cloud  ubuntu-minimal-2004-lts              READY
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Machine type

Machine types are compute instance hardware templates. These templates decide how much memory and CPU power your compute instance will receive. The machine type you pick will determine your major costs for running a compute instance; machine types with more CPU and/or memory will have substantially higher operating costs.

Provisioning the Compute Instance

Create a new instance

When you create a new compute instance, you must give it a name and specify the machine type and image to be utilized. These are the two most crucial considerations to make when setting up a new instance to host a LAMP server.

The Machine Type specifies how much CPU and memory will be allocated to a compute instance. These parameters cannot be modified after they are established, so it is critical that you understand the basic requirements of your LAMP server before deploying a new instance. The machine type will determine whether or not the compute and memory are shared, with the latter being part of a higher-priced tier.

Image refers to the operating system image that was utilised to create your compute instance. The most popular image is one based on Ubuntu, but you can probably get any flavour of Linux you want.

Region is where the compute instance will be hosted.

The gcloud compute machine-types list command displays a list of possible machine types. The list of machine kinds is somewhat extensive. This will most likely be used as a quick reference for the name and region.

gcloud compute instances create INSTANCE_NAMES \
    --machine-type=<MACHINE-TYPE> \
    --image-family=<OS-IMAGE-FAMILY> \
    --image-project=<OS-IMAGE-PROJECT> \
    --subnet=<SUBNET-NAME> \
    --boot-disk-size=<SIZE|MB,GB,TB> \
    --boot-disk-type=<BOOT-DISK-TYPE> \
    --region=<GCP REGION>
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For example, to set up a new compute instance for a WordPress blog named wordpress-lamp-1 on Ubuntu 20.04 with a 10GB boot disc in us-central-a, we would run the following command.

gcloud compute instances create wordpress-lamp-1 --machine-type=f1-micro --image-family=ubuntu-2004-lts --image-project=ubuntu-os-cloud --boot-disk-size=10GB --boot-disk-type=pd-standard --subnet=default  --zone=us-central1-a
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Created [].
wordpress-lamp-1  us-central1-a  f1-micro           RUNNING
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Startup Scripts

The benefit of running your services in the cloud is the ease with which instances can be provisioned and decommissioned. Scaling on demand is another option that can help you when there is an increase in traffic or work. Manually configuring a freshly provided compute instance, on the other hand, is a tedious exercise that effectively disables auto scaling.

Startup scripts allow us to run commands during the deployment of a compute instance.

Make a new file called and fill it with the commands required to set up a basic LAMP server.

#! /bin/bash
# Update installed packages and install LAMP packages
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install -y php php-mysql php-gd php-xml mysql-server apache2

# Download and install WordPress
tar xvf latest.tar.gz -C /var/www/html
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Create a new compute instance with the startup script and configure it as a LAMP server. We utilize the --metadata-from-file flag in conjunction with startup-script=<path/to/file> to instruct gcloud to use the startup script as part of the instance provisioning process.

Please note that local startup scripts are limited to 256 KB. If your startup scripts exceeds this limit, you will need to store the script in Cloud Storage, and specify the script URL. To use a remote file rather than a local file, use startup-script-url instead of startup-script.

For example, to utilize the script on your local system as the startup script, specify the flag to --metadata-from-file

gcloud compute instances create wordpress-lamp-2 --machine-type=f1-micro --image-family=ubuntu-2004-lts --image-project=ubuntu-os-cloud --boot-disk-size=10GB --boot-disk-type=pd-standard --subnet=default  --zone=us-central1-a --metadata-from-file
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Created [].
wordpress-lamp-2  us-central1-a  f1-micro           RUNNING
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The startup script's actions will be reported to syslog. You can ssh into the instance or inspect the logs in the Google Compute console to audit and debug your launch script.

An example of startup-script log entries is shown below.

Aug 18 02:15:41 wordpress-lamp-2 systemd[1]: Starting Google Compute Engine Startup Scripts...
         Starting [0;1;39mGoogle Compute Engine Startup Scripts[0m...
Aug 19 02:15:42 wordpress-lamp-2 startup-script: INFO Starting startup scripts.
Aug 19 02:15:42 wordpress-lamp-2 startup-script: INFO Found startup-script in metadata.
Aug 19 02:15:42 wordpress-lamp-2 startup-script: INFO startup-script: WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts.
Aug 19 02:15:42 wordpress-lamp-2 systemd-resolved[415]: Server returned error NXDOMAIN, mitigating potential DNS violation DVE-2023-0001, retrying transaction with reduced feature level UDP.
Aug 19 02:15:42 wordpress-lamp-2 systemd-resolved[415]: Server returned error NXDOMAIN, mitigating potential DNS violation DVE-2023-0001, retrying transaction with reduced feature level UDP.
Aug 19 02:15:42 wordpress-lamp-2 startup-script: INFO startup-script: Hit:1 focal InRelease
Aug 19 02:15:42 wordpress-lamp-2 startup-script: INFO startup-script: Get:2 focal-updates InRelease [111 kB]
Aug 19 02:15:42 wordpress-lamp-2 startup-script: INFO startup-script: Get:3 focal-backports InRelease [98.3 kB]
Aug 19 02:15:42 wordpress-lamp-2 startup-script: INFO startup-script: Get:4 focal InRelease [12.1 kB]
Aug 19 02:15:42 wordpress-lamp-2 startup-script: INFO startup-script: Get:5 focal/universe amd64 Packages [8628 kB]
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Firewall Rules

If you did not indicate that HTTP and HTTPS traffic be allowed into your compute instance, you must do so immediately.

Allow HTTP Access

Run the following command to allow HTTP traffic to your newly provisioned compute instance.

gcloud compute firewall-rules create --network=default default-allow-http --allow=tcp:80
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Allow HTTPS Access

Run the following command to allow HTTPS communication to your freshly provisioned compute instance.

gcloud compute firewall-rules create --network=default default-allow-https --allow=tcp:443
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Allow SSH Access

If you intend to administer your server through SSH, you must also grant access to it.

gcloud compute firewall-rules create --network=default default-allow-ssh --allow=tcp:22
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Using SSH with GCloud

When your server is completely deployed, use the gcloud compute ssh command to SSH into it.

The command's basic syntax is shown below. The default user will be the one who has logged in using gcloud. Unless you want to SSH access the server using a separate account, you don't need to specify a user.

gcloud compute ssh [USER@] INSTANCE [--zone=ZONE]
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Let us log in to our wordpress-lamp-1 compute instance, for example.

gcloud compute ssh wordpress-lamp-1 --zone=us-central1-a
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Alternatively, if you want to SSH into a different account, you can use the following syntax:

gcloud compute ssh operator1@wordpress-lamp-1 --zone=us-central1-a
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So far, we've covered provisioning the compute instance, which means we've launched a new instance and installed all of the essential packages. The next step is to configure those packages and create a database.

If you are not SSH’d into the server, do so now.

Creating a database

Log in to the MySQL server instance and create a new WordPress database.

  1. Connect to the database server instance
mysql -u root -p
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  1. Set up a new database for your WordPress website.
create database wordpress_db;
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Create a Database User

No application should use root credentials to connect to its backend database. An app should only be granted permissions to the databases with which it interacts, and only the permissions that it needed to function.

  1. Create a database user for WordPress
create user 'wordpress'@'localhost' identified by 'super-secret-password';
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  1. Give the user access to the Wordpress Database
grant select,insert,delete on '*.wordpress' to 'wordpress'@'localhost';
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  1. Finally, flush the cache of the database to apply the new user permisisons
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WordPress Config

We're almost done! All that remains is to point our WordPress installation to our database.

  1. Navigate to your WordPress installation's root directory (the place where the contents of were extracted).
cd path\to\extracted\wordpress
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  1. Next, copy the wp_config.php to wp_config.php
cp wp_config.php wp_config.php
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  1. Open the wp_config.php with the text editor of your choice.
vi wp_config.php
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  1. Locate and edit the lines that configure WordPress's database connection.

Apache vhost

The final step is to host our WordPress site using Apache or any other webserver application.

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