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How to ensure the highest quality of Software code

Somesh Thakur on September 26, 2021

TL;DR: By following best industry practices like linting, unit testing, static code analysis and continuous monitoring of the software. M...
dan1ve profile image

This is a nice overview, thanks ! 👏

Two additional things we do are (1) code reviews and (2) code quality retrospectives. In the latter, the dev team can discuss findings that slipped through. It's also a great way to discuss code quality in general.

Do you run Sonarqube only once per week? Our static analyzer (Teamscale, shameless plug 😉) scans every commit and runs independently from the build, in order to deliver fast feedback.

someshthakur profile image
Somesh Thakur

Hey Daniel,

Thanks for appreciating.
I agree, code reviews are good way of practicing inspections on new additions. We do that with predefined list of rules to be checked by anyone from team. We also have sonarqube scan for each merge request. But code retrospective is something new which I need to read about.

Thanks again for sharing your static analyzer. :)

seokjeon profile image
Se-ok Jeon

Thx for this! This is really what I wanted. Helped A LOT.
Can I translate in Korean this post? If you don't mind, I wanna share this awesome post in Korean. Surely, There will be a link directing to this original post.

someshthakur profile image
Somesh Thakur • Edited

Hey there,
That's good idea, Yes you can translate it to Korean and share the url here later. :)

seokjeon profile image
Se-ok Jeon • Edited

Translation in Korean is here. glad you like that.

ohyesren profile image
Ren • Edited

Pretty sure I read somewhere that TSLint is deprecated and they encouraged people to just use plain esLint with typescript.

someshthakur profile image
Somesh Thakur • Edited

Yes, it's recommended to use ESLint. But we had already setup the project using TSLint and to migrate it, we faced many issues & it was slowing down the productivity of team. So it was decided that we will keep TSLint for now and once ESLint is stable enough to match our expectations, we will move on.

cbsaikumar profile image
Bhargava Sai Kumar C

Nicely written Somesh.

someshthakur profile image
Somesh Thakur

Thanks Bhargava. :)

begueradj profile image

You mixed different unrelated things.
Good attempt though.
Good continuation.

someshthakur profile image
Somesh Thakur

Yep it's mixed tools to achieve one goal.
Thanks :)