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So Sun Park
So Sun Park

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Books for algorithm pre-game

When you get busy with building applications or focus on implementing and making it work, it's easy to forget about algorithm studies.

Yet, many companies still give out algorithm tests and especially in the midst of hiring break season, I assume coding tests would be even more difficult.

So I am trying to study algorithms or theoretical parts of programming little by little everyday, instead of cramming at the last minute. In order to make it as a habit, I wanted to make myself excited and motivated to study algorithm.

Recently I found a way that suits me: reading books that explain algorithms with some storytelling instead of just theories and equations.

The books below would not have a huge depth like Introduction to Algorithms by Thomas Cormen. But they did the job of making algorithms interesting.

1. Nine Algorithms That Changed the Future

by John MacCormick (The Ingenious Ideas That Drive Today's Computers)

This book well-explained the algorithms, their utilities, and real world applications altogether. This book changed my perspectives and attitudes toward algorithms and programming !

2. 누워서 읽는 알고리즘

written by BaekJun Lim

This book is in Korean and doesn't have English version. The author is a quite famous developer and even founded a website that's a collection of algorithm coding test:

3. Clean Code

I didn't read this yet, but it's on my bookshelf :p It's not algorithm book, but I'm excited to learn about good practices and clean code!

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