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So Sun Park
So Sun Park

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Screenshot with WEB Canvas, Blob, ZIP

1. Screenshot HTML CANVAS element

Libraries like threejs, pixijs, p5js and others that implement web graphics draw something on HTML CANVAS (either WEBGL mode or not).

There are 2 ways to take screenshots of the canvas

1-1. toDataURL() API

You may capture the canvas element with this function.

If you also want to download that element, make it <a href> tagged, download it like the examples here:

1-2. Blob API

If you're sending your screenshots to server or backend, then Blob would be better than simply capture via toDataURL() API.

2. Download Blob

If you captured the canvas element using Blob, you can save or download the file with FileSaver js library.

3. Download ZIP

If you want to capture multiple images and download a zip of those (on client side), JSZip library is very helpful.

One minor issue I had was that there's no 'image' type in generateAsync() option. So I had to capture screenshots via Blob in previous steps, save them in JSZip instance, and download the zip.

When I saved screenshots via toDataURL(), add those image into JSZip instance, download the zip, the images wouldn't open and showed error.

Image description

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