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How to make the prompt in the Command Prompt look like the Linux bash prompt

How to make the prompt in the Command Prompt look like the Linux bash prompt


Here is an example of how the Linux bash in Ubuntu looks like:

wsl terminal
Ubuntu in WSL


There is a feature in Command Prompt called the


command. It lets you change your prompt for example I could type 

prompt hello

it would change my prompt to hello:

When I type


it goes back to normal!

When I type

prompt /?

it gives me the list of the variables.

Here is the full solution:

If you use the prompt command it will reset when you relaunch the Command Prompt so the solution is to make a registry tweak. NOTE: I am not responsible if you mess up your windows install!!! The easy way to do this is by running this file it has some text in it that when double-clicked will make the registry edits for you! If you are interested in how it works here is the file contents:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Command Processor]
"Autorun"="prompt $V $P $_$$$S"
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

It basically works by running

prompt $V $P $_$$$S

every time you start Command Prompt. When you finish downloading the file open it and you are done!

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