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Bernhard Speiser
Bernhard Speiser

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Building an Express Gateway Policy

This post will show you how to build a policy (middleware) for your express gateway. Before creating a policy, we need to create a plugin.

Creating a plugin

To create a plugin, we need to add a folder plugins/my-plugin for it and a manifest file plugins/my-plugin/manifest.js with the following content

// plugins/my-plugin/manifest.js
module.exports = {
  version: '0.0.1',
  schema: {
    "$id": ""
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Once this is done, we need to register the plugin in the system.config.yml file. Depending on your file structure, the file path may contain more or less ../ than this example.

# system.config.yml

+  my-plugin:
+    package: '../../../plugins/my-plugin/manifest.js'
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Creating the policy

Now that we have a plugin, we can start creating our policy. Add a policies folder plugins/my-plugin/policies and the policy itself plugins/my-plugin/policies/my-policy.js with the following content

// plugins/my-plugin/policies/my-policy.js
module.exports = {
  name: 'my-policy',
  schema: {
    $id: '',
    type: 'object'
  policy: (actionParams) => {
    return (req, res, next) => {
      // TODO: Implement me
      console.log('hello world');
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The policy function will be the place where you implement your specific use case.

Now we need to register the policy as part of the plugin

// plugins/my-plugin/manifest.js
module.exports = {
  version: '0.0.1',
+ init: function (pluginContext) {
+   let policy = require('./policies/my-policy')
+   pluginContext.registerPolicy(policy)
+ },
+ policies: ['my-policy'],
  schema: {
    "$id": ""
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Using the policy

Finally, we can add the policy as any other default policy in the gateway.config.yml

# gateway.config.yml

  - log
  - jwt
+ - my-plugin
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and use it in our pipelines

# gateway.config.yml

+     - my-plugin:
      - log:
        - action:
            message: ${req.method} ${req.originalUrl}
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Now we are finished with our policy, but we can still enhance it a bit.

Adding parameters

In the case, that you want to configure your policy (without changing the code) you can specify parameters. The syntax used is called Json Schema. You can have a look at their documentation for the type that you need. In this case, we add one parameter myarray with the type string[]

// plugins/my-plugin/policies/my-policy.js

  schema: {
    $id: '',
-   type: 'object'
+   type: 'object',
+   properties: {
+     myarray: {
+       "type": "array",
+       "items": {
+         "type": "string"
+       }
+     }
+   }
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After that, we can pass our value from the pipeline

# gateway.config.yml

     - my-plugin:
+       - action:
+           myarray: ['value1', 'value2']
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and use it within the policy function: actionParams.myarray.

I hope this helped you understand how to set up a policy in an express gateway pipeline.

Sources/Further Reading

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