Welcome to The Stack Overflow Podcast episode #120 recorded Thursday, October 26, 2017 at our Stack Overflow HQ in NYC. As a special treat (or is it a trick?) your hosts today include Fog Creek CEO Anil Slash, self-described Glitch-Witch Jenn Schiffer, podcast Executive Producer Kaitlin (head-on-a) Pike, SO Engineering Manager Matt Sherman Munster, and News Editor Ill-ana Yitzhaki. Special thanks to this week's sponsors: Oracle and Digital Ocean. Stack Overflow appreciates Oracle's support for this podcast and for our community. Learn more about all the ways Oracle supports open source, java, and developers like you at oracle.com/developers. Digital Ocean just launched Spaces - a beautifully simple Object Storage service designed for developers who want a simple way to store and serve vast amounts of data. Digital Ocean thinks developers who try spaces will love it, so they're making trying it easy. New and existing DigitalOcean customers can you can get a free 2 month trial of spaces by going to do.co/stackoverflow. Today's Spooky Segments include:
- What is the best Halloween candy and why is it definitely Reese's Peanut Butter Cups? (and not Skittles lentils…)
- This week's Developer Story is Leon Young, founder and CEO of Cogniss, a platform anyone can use to create sophisticated educational apps, and 2and2, an award-winning educational games company. He explains how Cogniss is using its Cognition Engine AI in order to optimize learning experiences for people of all ages, not just younger folks.
- In our ongoing discussion about making Stack Overflow a more welcoming place, Anil and Jenn tell us about how Glitch was made specifically to be a supportive, expressive, and inclusive community, and what Stack Overflow may be able to learn from that.
- Is Amazon Key a scary prospect?
- LOTS of different kinds of Candy Corn.
- If you would like to help Code to Inspire reach their goal of teaching programming to girls in Afghanistan, please visit their Generosity page and donate to the IndieGoGo campaign.
Leon Young is doing some really awesome things. Check it out:
- Cogniss.com
- 2and2
- Follow @CognissHQ on Twitter
- Glitch! It's fun and easy. Build (or remix) the app of your dreams.
- Follow Anil and Jenn on Twitter!
- Ravelry.com, for all of your knitting and crocheting needs
- Your First PR
- NEWS links: Amazon Key, Netflix is spending 8b in 2018,