Welcome to Stack Exchange podcast #35 with special guest Scott Hanselman. We also have your loyal cohosts, Jay Hanlon and David Fullerton. And Joel Spolsky?
What exactly would Scott say that he does here?
Scott Hanselman runs a podcast that doesn't waste your time… unlike we have for the first nine minutes.
Let's talk about Scott's recent presentation at Webstock! Or we'll talk about how Scott is not a developer evangelist, despite popular belief. He is a community manager for ASP.net, IIS, anything angle bracket or curly brace related, anything "webby".
You can buy a single Q-Tip or Lego lightsaber on Amazon. (Most Lego fans don't like Lego Star Wars.)
Why do we have both Programming.SE and Stack Overflow? Joel tells us about the historical reasoning behind it. It's a party line: Stack Overflow is for things you do at the computer, and Programmers is for things you do at the whiteboard.
Do people still use Twitter? We thought they'd all moved on to App.net, but that's only for people who had fifty dollars (that they didn't spend on the new iPod connector).
"Do you realize that you are a biscuit away from turning into Jerry Stiller?"
Scott works remotely. Joel inquires: how does he make that work? Scott shares some tips! (Possibly… a blog post?)
One of Scott's biggest tips is to use more face-to-face communication instead of text-based. We don't necessarily agree, and so we explore the topic in depth. Jay agrees, that debates and discussions are not productive in text-based chat.
Scott will probably teach Computer Science when he retires… but then, he'll be allowed to have an opinion!
Back on the "working remotely" topic. There's a difference between being on a distributed team and being the remote person on a not-so-distributed team. The latter is harder! Scott insists on camera at every meeting.
We want to spend as much as we possibly can on remote collaboration, so we talk about some of the tech you can use to accomplish that.
Windows 8 is coming out on Friday (or for the past year, if you are a developer or you tried to download it). How is it? Is it awesome, or did someone move everyone's cheese? Listen in to find out… and then move on to a general discussion of changing user interfaces and what that does to users who are loyal to companies.
Let's talk about something else that isn't twitter! Scott and Stack Exchange have in common that they provide an audience for answered questions, so Q&A isn't one-on-one communication. It makes it useful for everyone. Stay tuned for the Joel Theory of Blogging. Is twitter the decline of modern blogging?
Joel spoke to a bunch of recruiters in London, where he told them that their job is to make the company awesome enough that great candidates come to them. Joel has a lot of projects, remarks Scott, and we discuss them - including Trello and what makes it great, and Scott's suggestions for improvement.
What has everyone been doing since Joel was on the road? Some stuff we already talked about and some stuff we can't talk about yet.
- Check out This Developer's Life. It's the best knock-off out there.