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Discussion on: Code Challenge: Follow the Dirty Money

stanleynguyen profile image
Stanley Nguyen

My solution using goroutines for speed :)

package main

import (

var r, _ = regexp.Compile("\\$[0-9]+(\\,|\\.)[0-9]{0,2}")

type transaction struct {
    Content string   `json:"content"`
    Links   []string `json:"links"`

func crawl(sum chan<- float64, URLsChan chan<- []string, startingURL string) {
    response, err := http.Get(startingURL)
    if err != nil {

    defer response.Body.Close()
    resBuf, err := ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body)
    if err != nil {

    var trans transaction
    json.Unmarshal(resBuf, &trans)

    foundStrArr := r.FindAllString(trans.Content, -1)
    if len(foundStrArr) == 0 {
        sum <- 0
    } else {
        for _, elem := range foundStrArr {
            elem = strings.Replace(elem, ",", ".", -1)
            val, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(elem[1:], 64)
            sum <- val
    URLsChan <- trans.Links

func main() {
    sum := make(chan float64)
    urlsChan := make(chan []string)
    urlsList := []string{""}
    var totalAmt float64

    for len(urlsList) > 0 {
        for _, url := range urlsList {
            go crawl(sum, urlsChan, url)
        newUrlsList := []string{}
        for _ = range urlsList {
            totalAmt += <-sum
            newUrlsList = append(newUrlsList, <-urlsChan...)
        urlsList = newUrlsList
    fmt.Println("Total amount is", totalAmt)

P/s: Sorry for the ugly code :D It was written in a hurry

jorinvo profile image

Nice! I wrote a similar version but using a sync.WaitGroup and a separate constant number of workers to parallelize the download. You can find it here.

stanleynguyen profile image
Stanley Nguyen

One possible way is to further optimize by let different "layers" of json object urls running "concurrently". Nevertheless, I haven't come up with an actual implementation (as you can see, right now my implementation only crawl one by one "layer" of gist urls)