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Max Ong Zong Bao
Max Ong Zong Bao

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What was Your Book That Shape You

While I'm awaiting in anticipation for my The Pragmatic Programmer: your journey to mastery, 20th Anniversary Edition book to arrive through mail.

I'm wondering what is the book that had made a huge impact on your life? For me it was by far 4 Hour Work Week that had played a huge role in my life.

Which had shaped me in becoming a voracious reader of books. It had even allowed me to embark on the path of entrepreneurship & startups after more than a decade in reading it.

So what was the "book" that had made a huge impact on your life?

Latest comments (61)

steelwolf180 profile image
Max Ong Zong Bao • Edited

Haha, that's great to me Rich Dad, Poor Dad is a gateway towards the drive to learn and raising financial intelligence and becoming an entrepreneur. Which lead to me making tons of choice to shape and help into who I am now. Which started with 4 Hour Work Week.

filipecsoares profile image

Good Topic!

The book that was more valuable to me was "The Software Craftsman" by Sandro Mancuso, it helped me a lot in become a better programmer.

I really want to read 4 Hour Work Week too, it looks a great book.

steelwolf180 profile image
Max Ong Zong Bao

Yup, it was despite it's dated its concept is good :) which was mindset changing to me.

melaniephillips profile image
Melanie Phillips

I recently finished "Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor Frankl. Some of it gets a bit technical for his field but it isn't overwhelming. It can be applied to any situation and will stick with me for the rest of my life.

murrayvarey profile image

Tough (and great) question. Recently it's Show Your Work by Austin Kleon. It gave me confidence to stop hiding -- it's the reason I joined Even the title is inspiring.

And I second/third/fourth The Pragmatic Programmer. The first programming book I properly read, and still the best.

steelwolf180 profile image
Max Ong Zong Bao • Edited

Nice i read a older copy 6 or 8 years ago and i always wanted to buy one after i had loan it from the library.

So now it was a good chance to get it.

When i heard it in "Test & Code" episode that they had released a new edition and this lead me to crowd source the book with 3 others to have it delivered to Singapore to reduce on the delivery cost of the book.

murrayvarey profile image

Who read it first?

I credit Pragmatic Programmer for making me question the purpose of everything. Which is a weird thing to say about a software development book ...

martinrojas profile image
martin rojas

To me, it has been the Phoenix Project. This is has a ton of good information in a great story format and honestly, it feels like it has every bad practice I run on corporate environments and how to fix them.

steelwolf180 profile image
Max Ong Zong Bao

Nice I wanted to get my hands on that book especially in the area of DevOps It's quite a popular book.

nicolasini profile image
Nico S___

Here are some books I've found very useful:

The Manager's Path, by Camille Fournier
She describes the career path from Senior Developer to Manager, what you might encounter and what you need to learn at each step. Is very useful to me since Im on that career path.

Accelerate, by Nicole Forsgren, Jez Humble, Gene Kim, et al
This is a great research, with actionable advice, about how to run Dev Ops, and the real impact it has in businesses.

Currently reading An Elegant Puzzle: Systems of Engineering Management, by Will Larson
This one is a bit for management a bit more advanced that where I am now, but is great to start looking into the future if I progress in this path

canu667 profile image

The Manager's Path - this... I would give you another upvote if I could. If I only had read it earlier... It is not only an insight into what will you face on each career step, but also gives you some pointers, what you should expect from your managers and higher-ups. While reading the whole TL chapter, I felt as the author just took it from my life...

steelwolf180 profile image
Max Ong Zong Bao • Edited

That's really nice :) will look at it and devour it fully :)

steelwolf180 profile image
Max Ong Zong Bao

Nice I had heard of the managers path it was like a recommended book for developers working towards it.

witchforest profile image

The design of everyday things. I've never looked at human interfaces the same since - understanding that a clever solution is the not the same thing a usable one.

Also helped me remember I'm not an idiot because it took me a few minutes to figure out how the bizarre taps worked in my new office's bathroom.

steelwolf180 profile image
Max Ong Zong Bao

Haha don't worry I actually had trouble in using my hostel's tap when I was in Scotland.

I had never used taps with hot and cold taps in my life.

As in Singapore we only had one for our home and the public toilets.

It took me a while to figure it out on getting the right temperature for my water in the morning.

omerxx profile image
Omer Hamerman

A bit of spirituality: "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle, is one of the most life-changing books I've ever read. I've repeated parts of it 4-5 times. Life-changing perspectives and concepts we seem to be "unconscious" to (sticking with Eckhart's terminology).

canro91 profile image
Cesar Aguirre

These two books have made a lot of impact in my developer career so far: Clean Code and The Art of Readable Code

steelwolf180 profile image
Max Ong Zong Bao

Nice that is really cool. Clean code sort of recommended read for alot of developers.

nothingismagick profile image
Daniel Thompson-Yvetot

I think the book that had the biggest impact on me was the ZeroMQ guide.


Not only did it really make me aware of distributed architecture, it also went into great depth about open source organizational hygiene. Can't recommend it enough.

steelwolf180 profile image
Max Ong Zong Bao

It seems there are tons of puns nice!!!

nothingismagick profile image
Daniel Thompson-Yvetot


Now this looks too simple to be realistic, but ZeroMQ sockets have, as we already learned, superpowers. You could throw thousands of clients at this server, all at once, and it would continue to work happily and quickly. For fun, try starting the client and then starting the server, see how it all still works, then think for a second what this means.

raucoustortoise profile image
Michael Mather

The book that really made an impact for me was Nelson Mandela's A Long Walk to Freedom.

Not just because it's a fantastic story of struggle but it is also truly inspirational.

If a man can study law in a 6x6ft prison cell, then I can refactor that piece of code I've been avoiding.

steelwolf180 profile image
Max Ong Zong Bao

That's really a awesome book. I heard about him through the autobiography from Richard Branson.

On how VirginActive was created on the behalf of saving a national chain from bankruptcy which Nelson Mandela approached to Sir Richard to take over and help save the business.

olask profile image
Ola Sk

C++ Primer my first book on programming. It was definitely one I thought will make me a genius. It worked... partially.
It was one of the greatest experiences, I was so committed to reading it.

steelwolf180 profile image
Max Ong Zong Bao

Nice that makes me want to read that book as well.

loufranco profile image
Lou Franco

I read Seven Habits of Highly Effective People around 1995 and I think about it constantly. The main takeaway for me is in the first few habits. To paraphrase (1) Realize that you are in control of your actions (2) Decide your principles/goals (3) Prioritize your actions to accomplish them.

steelwolf180 profile image
Max Ong Zong Bao

I always love the quote "You are master of your own ship, captain of your own soul"

pjcalvo profile image
Pablo Calvo • Edited

WOW. I have been thinking about it lately.

This is totally not tech related but "Stephen King's IT", really shaped my life. I used to be a fat boy until I read the book and I realize I was behaving like fat kids does, there is a pattern. I used to wear jackets even on summer just to cover my man-boobs. That was 10 years ago, now I am 12% body fat, with a six pack and doing ultra runs.

β€œHe thought that fat boys were probably only allowed to love pretty girls inside. If he told anyone how he felt (not that he had anyone to tell), that person would probably laugh until he had a heart-attack.”
― Stephen King, It

steelwolf180 profile image
Max Ong Zong Bao

Wow, that's really great. I recently read a book called "Can't Hurt Me By David Goggins".

Which is a bad ass that I believe is a really good read as well.

murrayvarey profile image

Fantastic book. Goggins is one scary dude!

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steelwolf180 profile image
Max Ong Zong Bao

Yeah he is I'm reading living with a seal. It's funny as hell with lot's of swear words.

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murrayvarey profile image

It's funny as hell with lot's of swear words.

Glad to hear it! I'll give that one a try sometime.

helleworld_ profile image
DesirΓ© πŸ‘©β€πŸŽ“πŸ‘©β€πŸ«

Hello, Max! This is a great question!

The Highly Sensitive Persons Survival Guide, by Ted Zeff, has made a huge impact in my life. It made me understood how I was, why I was like that, and that there was nothing wrong with me.

It gave me lots of perspectives and exercises to create a safe space for me so I could control my stress and my reactions to external stimuli.

If you've even been told that you overreact, that you're too sensitive and you feel too nervous or anxious in this world full of stimuli we live on... Please consider this book and let it guide you and give you the first steps.

steelwolf180 profile image
Max Ong Zong Bao

Hmmm...sounds really similar to Quiet by Susan Cain. I would check it out thanks for the suggestions