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50+ hints JS(ES6+) developer must know (5th part)

Hi, everyone! How are you doing?
Here is StormyTalent again to explain about the 50+ critical JS hints.
Today we're gonna see about Modules, Properties, Variables.

Always use modules (import/export) over a non-standard module system. You can always transpile to your preferred module system.


const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

// bad
let sum = 0;
for (let num of numbers) {
  sum += num;
sum === 15;

// good
let sum = 0;
numbers.forEach((num) => {
  sum += num;
sum === 15;

// best (use the functional force)
const sum = numbers.reduce((total, num) => total + num, 0);
sum === 15;

// bad
const increasedByOne = [];
for (let i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {
  increasedByOne.push(numbers[i] + 1);

// good
const increasedByOne = [];
numbers.forEach((num) => {
  increasedByOne.push(num + 1);

// best (keeping it functional)
const increasedByOne = => num + 1);
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If you must use generators, or if you disregard our advice, make sure their function signature is spaced properly.

// bad
function * foo() {
  // ...

// bad
const bar = function * () {
  // ...

// bad
const baz = function *() {
  // ...

// bad
const quux = function*() {
  // ...

// bad
function*foo() {
  // ...

// bad
function *foo() {
  // ...

// very bad
foo() {
  // ...

// very bad
const wat = function
() {
  // ...

// good
function* foo() {
  // ...

// good
const foo = function* () {
  // ...
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Use dot notation when accessing properties

const luke = {
  jedi: true,
  age: 28,

// bad
const isJedi = luke['jedi'];

// good
const isJedi = luke.jedi;
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Use bracket notation [] when accessing properties with a variable.

const luke = {
  jedi: true,
  age: 28,

function getProp(prop) {
  return luke[prop];

const isJedi = getProp('jedi');
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Use exponentiation operator ** when calculating exponentiations.

// bad
const binary = Math.pow(2, 10);

// good
const binary = 2 ** 10;
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Always use const or let to declare variables. Not doing so will result in global variables. We want to avoid polluting the global namespace. Captain Planet warned us of that.

// bad
superPower = new SuperPower();

// good
const superPower = new SuperPower();
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Use one const or let declaration per variable or assignment.

// bad
const items = getItems(),
    goSportsTeam = true,
    dragonball = 'z';

// bad
// (compare to above, and try to spot the mistake)
const items = getItems(),
    goSportsTeam = true;
    dragonball = 'z';

// good
const items = getItems();
const goSportsTeam = true;
const dragonball = 'z';
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Group all your consts and then group all your lets.

// bad
let i, len, dragonball,
    items = getItems(),
    goSportsTeam = true;

// bad
let i;
const items = getItems();
let dragonball;
const goSportsTeam = true;
let len;

// good
const goSportsTeam = true;
const items = getItems();
let dragonball;
let i;
let length;
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Assign variables where you need them, but place them in a reasonable place.

// bad - unnecessary function call
function checkName(hasName) {
  const name = getName();

  if (hasName === 'test') {
    return false;

  if (name === 'test') {
    return false;

  return name;

// good
function checkName(hasName) {
  if (hasName === 'test') {
    return false;

  const name = getName();

  if (name === 'test') {
    return false;

  return name;
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Don’t chain variable assignments.

// bad
(function example() {
  // JavaScript interprets this as
  // let a = ( b = ( c = 1 ) );
  // The let keyword only applies to variable a; variables b and c become
  // global variables.
  let a = b = c = 1;

console.log(a); // throws ReferenceError
console.log(b); // 1
console.log(c); // 1

// good
(function example() {
  let a = 1;
  let b = a;
  let c = a;

console.log(a); // throws ReferenceError
console.log(b); // throws ReferenceError
console.log(c); // throws ReferenceError

// the same applies for `const`
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Avoid using unary increments and decrements (++, --)

// bad

const array = [1, 2, 3];
let num = 1;

let sum = 0;
let truthyCount = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
  let value = array[i];
  sum += value;
  if (value) {

// good

const array = [1, 2, 3];
let num = 1;
num += 1;
num -= 1;

const sum = array.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0);
const truthyCount = array.filter(Boolean).length;
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Avoid linebreaks before or after = in an assignment. If your assignment violates max-len, surround the value in parens.

// bad
const foo =

// bad
const foo
  = 'superLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongString';

// good
const foo = (

// good
const foo = 'superLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongString';
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Disallow unused variables.

// bad

var some_unused_var = 42;

// Write-only variables are not considered as used.
var y = 10;
y = 5;

// A read for a modification of itself is not considered as used.
var z = 0;
z = z + 1;

// Unused function arguments.
function getX(x, y) {
    return x;

// good

function getXPlusY(x, y) {
  return x + y;

var x = 1;
var y = a + 2;

alert(getXPlusY(x, y));

// 'type' is ignored even if unused because it has a rest property sibling.
// This is a form of extracting an object that omits the specified keys.
var { type, ...coords } = data;
// 'coords' is now the 'data' object without its 'type' property.
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Thanks for your time.

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