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Discussion on: How do you limit or avoid procrastination?

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Subbu Lakshmanan

This is something I read from the book, Put More Time On Your Side and that has helped me a lot.

  1. Set yourself a timer for the task and tell yourself that you aren't going to spend any more time on that. Whenever I find myself need to complete tasks that are a priority but boring to do, I set myself a timer for 25 minutes(Pomodoro Technique), I work on it and move on to next task. I don't start another Pomodoro timer for the same task immediately. I pace myself on the task through a number of Pomodoro timers.

  2. If I am procrastinating a task, there's an inherent reason why I don't want to do. Identifying the reason helps a lot. Identifying the reason and weigh it alongside the benefits that I'm going to get when completing the task helps me.