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Manual Testing Benefits & Drawbacks

Manual Testing:

  • Manual testing is type of software testing which is used to test software product or web applications or mobile applications by manually (Tester) without using any automated tool.
  • In software testing “100% automation is not possible”.
  • It checks the quality of the product and deliver the error-free product to client.

Benefits of Manual Testing:

  • In manual testing there is no environmental limitations.
  • In manual testing there is no programming knowledge is required.
  • In manual testing it easy to find the errors in early stage.
  • In dynamically changing projects and GUI design manual testing plays an important role.

Drawbacks of Manual Testing:

  • Manual testing needs more time and more resources.
  • In manual testing executing the same test cases again and again is tedious process.
  • Testing with large number of data is quite impossible in manual testing.
  • In manual testing performance testing is not possible.


  • For ecommerce website it is not possible to have same UI, in this case manual testing is more preferable.
  • Load testing and stress testing in not possible in manual testing
  • To test large number of data is impossible
  • Executing the same test case in multiple time is tedious process.

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