VS code is one of the best code editors and IDE. I have used many code editors but nothing matches the features and simplic...
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Which is your favorite VS Code extension?
Well Written!! Hmm, Github Copilot for sure. Yours?
Definetly a good choice.
Jellyfish-x-retro vscode theme 🚀
File Bunny
TODO Highlight and Better Align are also useful extensions to have.
I love TODO Highlight. Better Align is also great.
Don't forgeet live server
Image Preview, Color Info, Indent Rainbow
Powermode, an extension most useless, but the most entertaining one 🙂
Look like I have to use it
Thank you for taking the time to compile such a valuable resource for the community. I never use them before.
My favorite, other than language specific tools, is one that I made called "Lazy New File"
polacode is awesome haha
I also just found out about Front Matter, a pretty awesome CMS for local file system management, been having a good time with it
Thanks. Look like it is for the next part of it.
I would definitely try code time extension.
When are these lists going to stop including polacode? It hasn't been updated since 2019 and doesn't work with any current versions of vscode.