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Justin Dorfman | Richard Littauer
Don Goodman-Wilson
Maintainerati Foundation
Show Notes
In this episode we talk with Don Goodman-Wilson, from Amsterdam. He’s a philosopher-engineer experienced in developer advocacy, Founder of Katsudon.tech, and Board Member at Maintainerati Foundation.
1:18 Don explains Maintainerati’s mission and brings up a point about how to create a network of support among maintainers.
04:10 Don talks about having no insight in the Japanese open source community and the challenges must face not being able to communicate with others.
7:03 Justin asks Don what does DevRel means to him and he also explains what “empowerment” means to him as well.
10:26 Don explains what issues he tackled at Slack and GitHub.
16:17 Don wrote a post on open source about how it’s a bit broken. He explains how the current situation is radically skewed in favor of the business interests.
18:50 Richard asks Don to talk about what ethical implications might mean for open source and how do we fix it, work on it, and make it better for the developmental maintainers.
22:21 The panel and Don discuss how a maintainer, Seth Vargo, found out that his code was being used by a subcontractor for ICE and how ICE is currently having major humanitarian issues on the border.
28:21 Justin speaks about open source and section five of no discrimination against persons or groups.
32:10 Don chimed in about a talk he did at FOSDEM that challenged the assumption that open is the right thing.
35:27 Richard explains his views on academic linguistics and saving endangered languages and how to do it properly.
- 38:33 Justin’s spotlight is tickgit
- 39:15 Richard’s spotlight is Front Porch Forum
- 40:16 Don’s spotlight is Grape
Don Goodman-Wilson
Open Source is Broken FOSDEM 2020
Seth Vargo
Karl Popper
The Hippocratic License 2.0
Special Guest: Don Goodman-Wilson.
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