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Justin Dorfman | Richard Littauer
Maria Cruz
Google Open Source
Show Notes
In this episode, we have Maria Cruz, Open Source Program Manager at Google. Maria talks about doing community engagements for Cloud Native projects and other things she does at Google. The panelists are curious about how the Open Source movement shifted since COVID-19 took over the world. Also, Maria gives great advice to people who are aspiring to be Program Managers in OSPO (Open Source Program Office). You can also find out what happens when Richard’s had “late coffee.” Hit the button and download this episode!
[00:01:03] Maria tells us what she does at Google and how she first got started with Open Source.
[00:05:45] Maria explains how she has seen the Open Source movement shift in the past couple of months since COVID-19.
[00:10:32] Richard asks Maria how do we design events that are online to be as diverse as possible? How does that work? What role does diversity have when we’re all 2-D?
[00:15:28] Richard is curious to know how do we foster connection and growth on a friendship level between people remotely? Can it happen over Zoom? Are there things we should do to make connection more possible? Maria answers.
[00:20:38] Justin wants to know how big Maria’s OSPO (Open Source Program Office) team is and she also gives advice for those who are aspiring to be Program Managers in OSPO’s.
[00:23:02] Justin asks her if she’s worked in any other OSPO’s. Richard and Justin ask Maria what is Google’s OSPO up to during these times of COVID-19 Coronavirus?
[00:24:49] Google has come out with resources to help out with events that have been canceled or had to move to virtual for Open Source projects. Maria talks more about the actual resources that Google’s offering to the Open Source Community and how people can get involved and use them.
- [00:28:29] Richard’s spotlight is the Open Knowledge Foundation.
- [00:28:58] Justin’s spotlight is Alligator.io.
- [00:29:34] Maria’s spotlight is the Open Source tool, Zulip.
[00:33:04] “Just kind of create a situation where the other person feels safe and comfortable enough where they will open up.”
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- Produced by Justin Dorfman at CodeFund
- Edited by Paul M. Bahr at Peachtree Sound
- Show notes by DeAnn Bahr at Peachtree Sound
- Ad Sales by Eric Berry at CodeFund
Special Guest: María Cruz.
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