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Discussion on: How do you deal with information and learning overload?

svemaraju profile image

Yes, I do experience information overload. I also have too many interests as you say. I am interested in reading fiction like science fiction and fantasy which are very prone to getting yourself immersed in make-believe worlds for hours.

One way I have been dealing with is constant examination of thoughts and trying to reorient myself. I recently read the book on Extreme Programming by Kent Beck, where he talks about the "driving a car" metaphor for software engineering. I think it suits well for learning in general. The metaphor goes like this when you drive a car you try to keep the car on the road as straight as possible, in order to do that you constantly need to adjust your steering slightly to the left, slightly to the right. That is exactly what I think about how we should course-correct ourselves when dealing with information overload, examine if something is really useful for your overall growth and only pay attention if it really does.

btruhand profile image
Btara Truhandarien

Self-reorienting isn't exactly how I term it myself, but yes I do try to have constant feedback and evaluation. Sometimes I feel too often, because I'd be looking down and thinking. In a world of constant movement and action it feels like staying still in your own thoughts can feel so unproductive... which is definitely not always the case! Thanks for re-affirming that I'm not the only one out there