DEV Community

Every Web Performance Test Tool

swyx on March 17, 2020

Here is every Web Performance Test Tool I know of to help identify issues in your site/get you some key speed metrics. The idea is you think of a f...
jpchateau profile image
Jean-Philippe Chateau β€’

Thank you for sharing those tools! Personnaly I use GTmetrix a lot with Google Lighthouse and Web page test of course. I think Yellow Lab Tools ( is worth mentioning it too, as it helped me sometimes.

swyx profile image
swyx β€’

thanks for sharing it! will add.

toddhgardner profile image
Todd H. Gardner β€’

Hey! We just launched Request Metrics, which fits nicely in this list. It's simplified web performance monitoring, easier and faster to use than APM suites. I'd love to know what you think:

We also write about performance here on

swyx profile image
swyx β€’

awesome! no bandwidth to test it out but will add

pavelloz profile image
PaweΕ‚ Kowalski β€’

Im kind of surprised you didnt list sitespeed.

Its an amazing project - open source, self-hosted, a lot of beautiful reports (including over time). Perfect for medium+ sized companies, to track their progress on this perf journey. ;)

swyx profile image
swyx β€’

I simply didn't know about it!

khrome83 profile image
Zane Milakovic β€’

You should add

It let’s you compare two urls and check the latency between multiple regions.

This is great to check out you CDN strategy. We actually used it to make a case that we need a CDN. Because enterprises are still in need of being convinced.

swyx profile image
swyx β€’

for sure. thank you! never heard of it before!

kernel982 profile image
Dilshad Ahmed β€’

Great post!
GTMetrix and WebPageTest are my favorite ones and I've been using them for more than 4 years.
I have one suggestion for a Web Performance tool that I recently came across: They also have a TTFB Test that can measure it from 25 locations

simonrodgers profile image
Simon-Rodgers β€’

Thanks for the list. Just wanted to share some free tools:
Includes four categories of tools:
Website / Webpage Test Tools,
DNS / Blacklist Test Tools,
Service / Email Test Tools,
Network Test Tools.

olex_green profile image
Olex Tkachuk β€’

One more to your list:

PageSpeed Green - can track Google PageSpeed from 5 different regions with CLI integration.

swyx profile image
swyx β€’

cert revoked :(

olex_green profile image
Olex Tkachuk β€’

Fixed, thanks!

brkk_oz profile image
Burak β€’ β€’ Edited

It is very useful content. Thank you. I want to add test tool. It is only related to website images. You can optimize and have a faster website with image4io solution.

nhoizey profile image
Nicolas Hoizey β€’

Nice list! πŸ‘

I think you can add Dareboost in the "Comprehensive Tools" list. I love it!

swyx profile image
swyx β€’

wow this tool looked simple at first but then i was floored at the number of features. looks great! i do think they should collapse their "yes" checks.

nhoizey profile image
Nicolas Hoizey β€’

UX is regularly improved, but it is really a nice tool already, and not limited to performance.

nasidulislam profile image
Nasidul Islam β€’

Comprehensive list. Great work!

douglasfugazi profile image
Douglas Fugazi β€’

Super cool list of tools. Thanks for sharing!