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How To Deploy Jitsi Meet(video conference) on Ubuntu

Jitsi Meet is an open source video-conferencing application based on WebRTC.

A Jitsi Meet server provides multi-person video conference rooms that you can access using nothing more than your browser and provides comparable functionality to a Zoom or Skype conference call.

Step 1 — System Hostname

sudo hostnamectl set-hostname
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Check that this was successful by running the following:

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Next, you will set a local mapping of the server’s hostname.

nano /etc/hosts
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add this line <>
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Step 2 — (Before Install) Must Configure Prosody XMPP Server

ERROR: I got an error in the jitsi-meet install.
Jitsi-meet : Depends: jitsi-meet-prosody (= 1.0.6776-1) but 1.0.6644-1 is to be installed

Solution: Add the Prosody package repository

To install the latest version, add the Prosody repository with the following command:

echo 'deb focal main' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/prosody.list
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Now, run the following command to download and import the Prosody public key.

wget -O- | sudo apt-key add -
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Next, update the local package index. Then, install

sudo apt update
sudo apt install prosody
sudo apt install libunbound-dev liblua5.3-dev
luarocks install luaunbound
systemctl status prosody
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Step 3 — Install Jitsi

First, download the Jitsi GPG key with the wget downloading utility:

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Next, add the GPG key you downloaded to apt’s keyring using the apt-key utility:

sudo apt-key add jitsi-key.gpg.key
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Now, you will add the Jitsi repository to your server by creating a new sources file that contains the Jitsi repository. Open and create the new file:
sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jitsi-stable.list. Add this line to the file for the Jitsi repository:

deb stable/
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then install the jitsi-meet package:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install jitsi-meet
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During the installation of jitsi-meet you will be prompted to enter the domain name.
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after that select let's Encrypt SSL. (et's Encrypt is a non-profit certificate authority) or select no if you don't need to jitsi-web-cloud in next option.

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Your Jitsi Meet server is now set up

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