It’s another potluck! In this episode, Scott and Wes answer your questions about the recent Mozilla layoffs, Safari, finding time to learn coding, Google Analytics alternatives, malicious Github users, and more!
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Show Notes01:15 - What are your guy’s thoughts on Mozzila’s layoffs and how it will affect developers?
08:42 - Right now I am a math teacher. I am married with 2 kids (3 and 1) so finding time to code is difficult. My current situation includes waking up at 4:30 am everyday just to get in some time before the kids wake up. Do either of you have any tips about finding a balance between raising kids, getting stuff done around the house, having a full time job and trying to teach yourself web development to transition into a different career?
13:23 - If you had to use a drag-n-drop framework using React, which one would you choose?
15:49 - E2E vs Visual Regression Testing? At which web-app development cycle to implement each? Best tools open source vs purchase?
20:36 - I teach a Highschool course in web development. For a group of students who have a solid knowledge of HTML/CSS and a decent understanding of JavaScript, would Svelte be a good framework for entering into component-based development for the first time?
22:33 - What’s a good Google Analytics alternative in 2020? I have a site on Netlify that the $9/mo seems a bit steep for, for what the site is, and flipping the domain through Cloudflare just for the analytics seems crazy; but is it worth it? Alternatives would be awesome, as I’d love to get off the Google overlords.
29:22 - I have noticed about a dozen to 100 unique clones of my git repos after each push. It doesn’t matter if the repo is initialized, picture added or the readme updated. The repos are still cloned. The traffic section shows the views to my repo at 1 sometimes 2. Is this normal? Is this how interested employers keep tabs on you? Are there a lot of malicious git users? What is happening?
32:30 - With Apple switching to their own processors is it silly for anyone to buy a Mac for development before that releases? Do you guys have experience with Windows, and which would you still prefer today if you needed to buy?
40:28 - Have you ever been approached by or heard of They’re trying to pay developers to put ads onto popular open source libraries on Github, and they approached me recently, and I wasn’t sure what to think about them. What do you think?
45:16 - I just listened to your TLD game. It made me wonder your opinions on personal site domain names? Should it always try to be What about .me or other domains?
47:53 - What’s the best way to introduce new technology or processes to a team?
Links- Rust
- Firefox
- Jen Simmons
- Safari
- React DnD
- React Beautiful DnD
- React Spring
- Framer Motion
- Cypress
- Svelte
- Heap
- Fathom
- Syntax 179: Hasty Treat - The TLD Game
- Javascript30
- Syntax 206: Hasty Treat - The New MacBook Pro for Web Development
- Scott: React 3D - Sign up for the year and save 25%!
- Wes: Master Gatsby
- Scott’s Instagram
- LevelUpTutorials Instagram
- Wes’ Instagram
- Wes’ Twitter
- Wes’ Facebook
- Scott’s Twitter
- Make sure to include @SyntaxFM in your tweets