DEV Community

Discussion on: Why I created a social network

szilardszabo profile image

I like your project, would contribute in creating this portal. The only thing is that it does not look great that at the moment you don't have any events. Do you have any plan to fill up your event database somehow?

albertopdrf profile image
Alberto Pérez de Rada Fiol

Currently there are only a few events, most of them in Madrid, Spain, and created by me. The idea is for users to create them, but with so few users nothing is being created 😕

albertopdrf profile image
Alberto Pérez de Rada Fiol

Hey @szilardszabo !

I open sourced the project and am dropping the link here just in case you are still interested in contributing:

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The introverts' social network


Tisn - The introverts' social network

Meet people while doing what you enjoy!

Table of contents

What is

Welcome to the (or just Tisn) repository! We are very glad to have you here. If you want to help us make Tisn better, this is definitely the place to be!

The primary objective of Tisn is to try and address the problem of the apparent difficulty that exists to meet people and make new friends on this modern world. To do that, our social network:

  1. Connects people according to their interests
  2. Encourages people to go outside and meet others while doing something that they all enjoy
  3. Is as simple as possible

We try to do all of that while being completely transparent and respecting our users' privacy.

