DEV Community

Taariq Elliott
Taariq Elliott

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The Importance of Non-Technical Skills in Tech Spaces👨🏾‍💻🤝🛠

Importance of Non-Technical Skills

As a first-time intern, my non-technical skills are as important as my technical skills. I rely on clear communication to share updates on my onboarding in DSU, which helps keep my team in the loop about my progress. Whether it's discussing a setup bug or asking for clarity, effective communication ensures everyone understands the goals and can work together smoothly.

Key Skills


Listening is another key skill for me. By paying close attention to advice from colleagues and mentors, I can grasp what’s needed and learn from their experiences. This helps me avoid common pitfalls and improve my ability to integrate into the team, making me a more valuable team member.

Organization and Research

Staying organized and knowing how to Google effectively also boost my productivity. I manage my tasks and deadlines by keeping things organized, and when I encounter challenges, I use my Googling skills to find solutions. Additionally, being supportive by sharing useful information and assisting teammates fosters a collaborative and positive work environment.

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