Many developers prefer building things from scratch, but sometimes the workload is so huge that using these tools can make the job easier.
There i...
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If you'd like to try an open source { free } alternative to test APIs, try Hoppscotch - API request builder for web: hoppscotch.io
Open source API development ecosystem - https://hoppscotch.io (open-source alternative to Postman, Insomnia)
What an honor to have the founder comment on my post, haha!
As I mentioned earlier, I usually use Postman, but I will definitely try it out properly in a few weeks and cover it.
By the way, you shouldn't post the same comment everywhere. It's easy to identify the pattern. Just mentioning it because many people see it!
Thanks for sharing the list!
One more tool to improve the workflow: Freeter
And a post on how I boosted my productivity with it: dev.to/alexk/how-i-boosted-my-prod...
Woah! Great post, @alexk :)
Freeter seems like a good way to manage tasks.
I love using Todoist to manage mine and keep track of stuff.
Thanks, @anmolbaranwal :)
Actually it's not to manage tasks - it's an organizer which enables to gather everything you need for work in one place, organized by projects and workflows, and have a quick access to them. That enables to set clear boundaries between projects and workflows, and focus on what matters at any given moment.
On the screenshot there is one of my dev workflows where I have a Trello board to manage project tasks, buttons to open the project files in my code/image editor, open the project repo in the browser, etc. It is surely possible to use it with Todoist or any other task manager.
Consider adding - jsonhero.io and jsoncrack.com/
Whoa! Thank you for sharing these.
Cyberchef is great, and JSONCrack is very useful (though they only offer 300kb data support in the free tier, which can be a drawback). I don't know how much data that really is.
These are open source, so if anyone wants to check them out, here are the repos:
Great article to help developers
Thank you for sharing out, @anmolbaranwal
Of course, John!
More coming along the way :)
you are dev.to's ⭐
Hi Anmol Baranwal,
Your tips are very useful
Thanks for sharing
Warp actually does 2 or 3 things that you listed like autocompletion and AI assistance to get proper command line. A little slow sometimes on my computer but still love it.
Hide My Bar is another one that's great to turn on/off the Touch Bar, if you still have one.
Hide My Bar is for MacOS users only, and I loved Warp. It's very similar but still refreshing. I feel like there are so many amazing tools out there, and I don't even know about them until somebody tells me 😆
I tried Warp but I found it very slow and memory consumer so I went back to zsh (Mac mini m2 16Gb RAM)
I can see that. I went back and forth a few times before adopting it. I don't know why it's slow, it's built in Rust which is supposed to be really fast.
Wow this list is amazing!! Thanks for sharing! This website have a lot to offer to devs seriusly!
I would try to suggest you another open-source analytics tool called Litlyx. (ours)
We have a repo open-source you will find super cool Here
Antonio, CEO & Founder at Litlyx.
Thanks for sharing about Litlyx, Antonio :)
Just keep an eye out for future articles, I may include it (although I can't make any promises). I'm happy that you have made it open source, which increases its credibility, and it's definitely going to grow even further.
I'm eager to know the inspiration or story behind the product. Just curious, on the side!
Ofc i will follow you and keep an eye on your future article my man.
I would love you sharing some love to our repo and leave a star! I will be also very content if you will feature us in your nexts articles.
Your article give extreme value to this community so i really hope you keep up your work.
The inspiration was pretty easy. We wanted an analytics system to track custom events, where we can have controll over them. I tryied all kind of analytics. I tryied even opensource analytics too. No body give us the freedom we wanted. We needed to pay a lot to have a simple feature.
So we decided to create our own analytics. Now we open to everybody.
There is another stuff that is in my heart.
Lack of Transparency!
A lot analytics software out there they are closed source, you don't know how they handle that data, how they are made.
So we wanted a Easy & Transparent tool for everybody. Ready to be self-hostable if you do not want we handle everything for you. So Everybody have freedom to do what the hell they want with analytics.
Hope this clarify some curiosity.
Feel free to reach me or book a call to with me, i will be happy to connect!
Love from Italy!
I always like reading posts like this, because I always get away with some new shiny tool :-) So, thanks for sharing the list.
I'd like to share a great alternative to DevToys that I think more people should know about it: webacus.dev - it's easy-to-use, local-first and free.
wow Great
thank you
Even I use Todoist :)
It's so easy and efficient. I love it!
But it's more like a task management tool, and I use it so that I don't forget the stuff I need to work on. It's an amazing tool I will always recommend, but I can't cover it because it's not open source and definitely not only for developers.
Really enjoyed this piece, great work compiling this! I hoped I was gonna see ours on here, oh well :) Regardless it's Goleko, I'd love your opinion :)
The main condition for selecting projects is that they're open source, or unless it's something that I've used for many months or years. So, the list is always personal and comprises items that I believe will genuinely improve your productivity as a developer.
Anyway, thanks for sharing about Goleko. I loved the comparison section for similar products!
Haha, well-understood mate -perfectly reasonable, just hoping :)
I appreciate you for checking it out! f
I didn't know about them, but 10015 is more like a collection of tools (useful but not suited for this list), and Webacus seems to be similar to DevToys. I don't know what the difference is, but it says premium product, whereas DevToys is completely free.
Thank you for sharing 🙌
Learning about new tools is never boring, and I'm glad you loved this list :)
Great list! I would add Savvy cli to the list. It's like AI copilot for your terminal.
Great list, thanks for sharing this article 👌
Lot's of useful tools, great work
Great work, those tools look really nice.
Nice work!
Thanks for this great post!
Great article as always!
Nice and very helpful article! Thanks!
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Hello, Meenkashi.