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7 Best Python Visualization Libraries for 2024

Rym on April 04, 2024

Many new contacts in my LinkedIn network are asking me for some resources to begin their data science journeyπŸ€“. I don't want to share a structured ...
proteusiq profile image
Prayson Wilfred Daniel β€’ β€’ Edited

Nice! Python Visualisation landscape is maturing at the speed of light. There is pyviz index listing and updating 98% of tools out there

dldx profile image
Durand D'souza β€’

Plotly + dash is pretty much the perfect option for me. So much flexibility and customisation options but with very sensible defaults making it really quick and easy to build even production apps quickly

andrew0123 profile image
Andrew β€’

I've been using Streamlit for its simplicity and speed, but I find it quite limited in scalability. Let's give Taipy a try as well... to be continued...

gosselin profile image
Vincent Gosselin β€’

I like this one, thanks for the list! keep on going!

mathew00112 profile image
Mathew β€’

They are definitely gateways to understanding and interacting with data in ways that were previously unimaginable

david00112 profile image
David β€’

Data viz is definitely my favorite step, but I hate date cleansing, it's driving me crazy!

daniel1230 profile image
Daniel β€’

Have never heard about Gradio... Is it new or so old that it's passed...? :p

zender123 profile image
Zender β€’

Taipy looks interesting!

david-723 profile image
David β€’

This list is amazing! I'll definitely keep it for 2024 πŸ€“

steven0121 profile image
Steven β€’

These are definitely the 7 best

brooks-123 profile image
Brook β€’

I've tried Bokeh and I find it quite complete. Let's give Taipy a try, I've been hearing about it a lot lately 🧐

morgan-123 profile image
Morgan β€’

Thanks, like this one!

zack-123 profile image
Zack β€’

If Matplotlib is the grand-father, and "Built on top of Matplotlib, Seaborn extends its functionality", => Seaborn is the father, right? 🀣🀣🀣

johny0012 profile image
Johny β€’

"As the grandfather of Python visualization tools..." This is soooooooooo true πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

oliver0012 profile image
Oliver β€’

Indeed, the journey from raw data to insightful, compelling visualizations is pivotal in data science, transforming complex datasets into narratives that captivate and educate. Thanx! ⭐

benjamin00112 profile image
Benjamin β€’

Didn't know that Plotly had evolved to that level! However, if Taipy includes Plotly, I'll definitely give this a try! Thanks for sharing πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ’»

trent0123 profile image
Trent β€’

Taipy looks crazy! 🀯

james0123 profile image
James β€’

Haha, definitely love your cover!

thomas123 profile image
Thomas β€’

Wow! really nice list, saved it to try each of them later!

ferguson0121 profile image
Ferguson β€’

Matplotlib is robust, but Bokeh is more design!

alexhales67 profile image
Alexhales67 β€’

I like data cleansing...🧹

williamhenry21 profile image
williamhenry21 β€’

Taipy, you've got my star on the repo, and I'll be following your updates. Looks like a promising library

smithjohn21 profile image
smithjohn21 β€’

Like this one... following you for more insights