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Unlocking the Power of Linux: Essential Command Line Skills from Linux Basics for Hackers

Chapter 2:

  1. Understanding the Command Line Interface (CLI):
  • The chapter starts by explaining the significance of the command line in Linux, emphasizing how it allows users to perform tasks more efficiently than through a graphical interface.
  • It discusses the command-line shell, specifically focusing on Bash (Bourne Again Shell), which is the most common shell in Linux.
  1. Basic Command Syntax:
  • The structure of a command in Linux is explained, breaking it down into the command itself, options (or flags), and arguments.
  • Examples of simple commands are provided to illustrate this syntax, such as echo, date, and uname.
  1. Navigating the Filesystem:
  • The chapter teaches readers how to move around the Linux filesystem using the command line. It covers commands like pwd (print working directory), cd (change directory), and ls (list directory contents).
  • It also introduces the concept of absolute and relative paths, helping users understand how to navigate between different directories.
  1. File and Directory Operations:
  • Readers learn how to create, delete, and manage files and directories. Commands covered include touch (create a file), mkdir (create a directory), rm (remove files or directories), and mv (move or rename files).
  • The chapter also discusses how to view the contents of files using commands like cat, more, and less.
  1. Permissions and Ownership:
  • The chapter introduces the concepts of file permissions and ownership in Linux, explaining how these are crucial for system security.
  • It covers the chmod command to change file permissions, and the chown command to change file ownership.
  1. Using Wildcards and Pipes:
  • Wildcards, like * and ?, are explained as tools for simplifying file operations.
  • The chapter introduces pipes (|), which allow users to pass the output of one command as input to another, enabling more complex command chains.
  1. Getting Help with Commands:
  • The chapter emphasizes the importance of understanding how to use commands by accessing their manuals. It introduces the man command (manual) and the --help option for getting quick command syntax references.
  1. Practice and Application:
  • Throughout the chapter, there are examples and exercises to help readers practice the commands and concepts introduced. This practical approach is designed to build proficiency and confidence in using the command line.


Chapter 2 is foundational for anyone looking to master Linux, especially in the context of ethical hacking. It emphasizes the importance of the command line as a tool for controlling and interacting with the operating system. By the end of the chapter, readers should feel more comfortable using basic Linux commands and navigating the filesystem.

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