DEV Community

Tao Liu
Tao Liu

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Update rails 5.2 to 6 (THOR MERGE solution included)

Summary of steps

  • gem 'rails', '~> 6.0'
  • bundle update rails
  • rails app:update
    if you get a merge tool error "Please specify merge tool to THOR_MERGE env." Follow these steops:
    exit the update process
    run: $ THOR_MERGE=code rails app:update (selects vs code as your merge tool)
    run rails app:update
    select 'm' to merge files

  • Uncomment defaults in new_framework_defaults_6_0.rb

  • Go to new framework_defaults_6_0.rb I suggest to read the comments - there are several new defaults which are recommended to uncomment once you are confident that your app is stable on Rails 6. I did as it was suggested.

  • Delete new framework_defaults_6_0.rb when app is tested and working.

src -

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