Hey Hackers and programers, what do you think about "BEST PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE"?
anyway, I love shell script. It's best to me.
Command line editing is best interactive way.
look this site, Japanese firebase community web page, Community Member name(名前・プロフィール) and participation number of times(参加回数).
I want all of twitter IDs.
seq 15|xargs -P10 -n1 -INUMBER curl -O "https://firebase-community.connpass.com/participation/?page=NUMBER" | |
cat ./*page*| | |
awk '/.*回.*/ || /.*twitter.com.*/{print}'| | |
grep -v -e twitter.com/share -v -e 参加回数 -v -e widgets.js| | |
grep -A 1 -n "twitter.com"| | |
grep -v "^--$"| | |
sed '/a>$/N;s/\n/ /'| | |
awk '{print $( NF -1 ) " " $3}'| | |
awk '{gsub(/\//," ");gsub(/class=\"event\">/,"");print $1" "$NF}'| | |
tr -d "\""| | |
awk '!/^[0-9]/{next}{print}'| | |
sort|uniq > ./get_firebase_community_twitter_user_and_join_the_number_of_times.txt | |
#two liners version | |
# seq 15|xargs -P10 -n1 -INUMBER curl -O "https://firebase-community.connpass.com/participation/?page=NUMBER" | |
# cat ./*page*|awk '/.*回.*/ || /.*twitter.com.*/{print}'|grep -v -e twitter.com/share -v -e 参加回数 -v -e widgets.js|grep -A 1 -n "twitter.com"|grep -v "^--$"|sed '/a>$/N;s/\n/ /'|awk '{print $( NF -1 ) " " $3}'|awk '{gsub(/\//," ");gsub(/class=\"event\">/,"");print $1" "$NF}'|tr -d "\""|awk '!/^[0-9]/{next}{print}'|sort|uniq > ./get_firebase_community_twitter_user_and_join_the_number_of_times.txt |
so, finally I write two command lines.
"seq ~" line is simple.
programming started from, this code is show all downloaded file.
cat ./page
I tried to show times and twitter ID
cat ./page|
awk '/.回./ || /.twitter.com./{print}'
It display twitter ID and participation number of times show. but lines display, accounts which no twitter community user too.(they go over 5 times but they don't have no github account, really?)
Anyway, other remove noise lines.
cat ./page|
awk '/.回./ || /.twitter.com./{print}'|
grep -v -e twitter.com/share -v -e 参加回数 -v -e widgets.js
Still remains no twitter account IDs problem.
I resolved by displaying only ID line and the line's after one lines
cat ./page|
awk '/.回./ || /.twitter.com./{print}'|
grep -v -e twitter.com/share -v -e 参加回数 -v -e widgets.js|
grep -A 1 -n "twitter.com"
Added seperater lines --, but I don't need this, so, remove this
cat ./page|
awk '/.回./ || /.twitter.com./{print}'|
grep -v -e twitter.com/share -v -e 参加回数 -v -e widgets.js|
grep -A 1 -n "twitter.com"|
grep -v "--$"
Still there are line number.but I thought, awk command is ignore noise columns. so,
bound two types of data(two lines)
cat ./page|
awk '/.回./ || /.twitter.com./{print}'|
grep -v -e twitter.com/share -v -e 参加回数 -v -e widgets.js|
grep -A 1 -n "twitter.com"|
grep -v "--$"|
sed '/a>$/N;s/\n/ /'
The goal seemed to horizon. awk command ignore noise columns, change the order of columns
cat ./page|
awk '/.回./ || /.twitter.com./{print}'|
grep -v -e twitter.com/share -v -e 参加回数 -v -e widgets.js|
grep -A 1 -n "twitter.com"|
grep -v "--$"|
sed '/a>$/N;s/\n/ /'|
awk '{print $( NF -1 ) " " $3}'
Remove noise characters.
cat ./page|
awk '/.回./ || /.twitter.com./{print}'|
grep -v -e twitter.com/share -v -e 参加回数 -v -e widgets.js|
grep -A 1 -n "twitter.com"|
grep -v "--$"|
sed '/a>$/N;s/\n/ /'|
awk '{print $( NF -1 ) " " $3}'|
awk '{gsub(/\//," ");gsub(/class=\"event\">/,"");print $1" "$NF}'
Just remove last of "
cat ./page|
awk '/.回./ || /.twitter.com./{print}'|
grep -v -e twitter.com/share -v -e 参加回数 -v -e widgets.js|
grep -A 1 -n "twitter.com"|
grep -v "--$"|
sed '/a>$/N;s/\n/ /'|
awk '{print $( NF -1 ) " " $3}'|
awk '{gsub(/\//," ");gsub(/class=\"event\">/,"");print $1" "$NF}'|
tr -d "\""
This is goal. I thought. Just in case, Duplicate Delete lines by "sort|uniq"
cat ./page|
awk '/.回./ || /.twitter.com./{print}'|
grep -v -e twitter.com/share -v -e 参加回数 -v -e widgets.js|
grep -A 1 -n "twitter.com"|
grep -v "--$"|
sed '/a>$/N;s/\n/ /'|
awk '{print $( NF -1 ) " " $3}'|
awk '{gsub(/\//," ");gsub(/class=\"event\">/,"");print $1" "$NF}'|
tr -d "\""|sort|uniq
There are any row(I don't know, any incorrect lines, haha). WTF!! I stopped thinking. anyway remove this. goodbye strange lines.
cat ./page|
awk '/.回./ || /.twitter.com./{print}'|
grep -v -e twitter.com/share -v -e 参加回数 -v -e widgets.js|
grep -A 1 -n "twitter.com"|
grep -v "--$"|
sed '/a>$/N;s/\n/ /'|
awk '{print $( NF -1 ) " " $3}'|
awk '{gsub(/\//," ");gsub(/class=\"event\">/,"");print $1" "$NF}'|
tr -d "\""|
awk '!/[0-9]/{next}{print}'
Just in case, sort|uniq and finally Output to a file
cat ./page|awk '/.回./ || /.twitter.com./{print}'|grep -v -e twitter.com/share -v -e 参加回数 -v -e widgets.js|grep -A 1 -n "twitter.com"|grep -v "--$"|sed '/a>$/N;s/\n/ /'|awk '{print $( NF -1 ) " " $3}'|awk '{gsub(/\//," ");gsub(/class=\"event\">/,"");print $1" "$NF}'|tr -d "\""|awk '!/[0-9]/{next}{print}'|sort|uniq > ./get_firebase_community_twitter_user_and_join_the_number_of_times.txt
I got a result!!
0 1coin178 | |
0 2sin30cos30 | |
0 35ki | |
0 38elements | |
0 432daiki | |
0 84d010m08 | |
0 92thunder | |
0 ANNRabit | |
0 AknYk416 | |
0 AndWave | |
0 AndooBomber | |
0 Baki33 | |
0 Caps_Rock | |
0 DafukuCom | |
0 Daik1Mochizuk1 | |
0 Fujiyama_Yuta | |
0 Fumiya_Kume | |
0 Ike0630 | |
0 JHashimoto1975 | |
0 KaazTech | |
0 Katsumi1972 | |
0 KazumaNishihata | |
0 Kentaro0919 | |
0 Korenari_D | |
0 LunwuXiaoxia | |
0 MHTcode_dack | |
0 MegaBlackLabel | |
0 Mockun_JPN | |
0 MushiAkira | |
0 Nagahama58A | |
0 NagaiSho | |
0 NoiG1120 | |
0 Nunnally_Engr | |
0 PM_Coffee | |
0 SW20_Toshi | |
0 Sakunyo | |
0 Strange_bird496 | |
0 Takaaki_Ichijo | |
0 Udomomo | |
0 UsamaMinegishi | |
0 VOLT3103 | |
0 __mnc90 | |
0 _gaharasan | |
0 _k0mach1 | |
0 _kuri_megane_ | |
0 _mochi_fuwa | |
0 _mono | |
0 _nabeen | |
0 _pochio_ | |
0 _rmakiyama | |
0 _speech_tech_ | |
0 _tkato_ | |
0 a_aryzae | |
0 abe00makoto | |
0 adwd118 | |
0 agektmr | |
0 akikazu_sudou | |
0 akitoshiyano | |
0 amasho | |
0 anotherbrain | |
0 asashin227 | |
0 ats337 | |
0 atsuya046 | |
0 azihsoyn | |
0 bati11_ | |
0 berukokoko | |
0 bird_tummy | |
0 bj1024 | |
0 burning0204 | |
0 c5meru | |
0 c7w6hgwy | |
0 c_keita | |
0 cakecatz | |
0 chalkygames123 | |
0 charles_green | |
0 chidakiyo | |
0 chocodaihuku32 | |
0 chocopie116 | |
0 chooblarin | |
0 chun_ryo | |
0 clown_kage | |
0 cndtmc | |
0 codenote_net | |
0 corevale_com | |
0 cutmail | |
0 cxkpx595 | |
0 cyberspacefarm | |
0 daisuke0131 | |
0 delmontz_dgl | |
0 devhishiki | |
0 dog_jp | |
0 doramusukotake | |
0 dshukertjr | |
0 dskst9 | |
0 eaglesakura | |
0 echizenya_yota | |
0 elmore_mk2 | |
0 ema_hiro | |
0 f_sugar | |
0 falcon0328 | |
0 fbkclanna_pub | |
0 feb19 | |
0 flyocy | |
0 furugen098 | |
0 g0dgarden | |
0 gami | |
0 gami_san | |
0 ganezasan | |
0 georgesekkie | |
0 glico800 | |
0 gohh56 | |
0 hamazaki_f | |
0 harashunta | |
0 hasehaseh | |
0 hatyuki | |
0 hayatoy82 | |
0 heki1224 | |
0 hero_mo | |
0 hideji | |
0 highballegg | |
0 hirokazuoza | |
0 hiromb1804 | |
0 hironen | |
0 hiyo_ac | |
0 hondash918 | |
0 hoyo1111 | |
0 hrnkoji | |
0 hyshyz | |
0 ibihc929 | |
0 ikawashima41 | |
0 ikomiki | |
0 ikt2y | |
0 inouetakuya | |
0 isaoeka | |
0 isshiki | |
0 itinao | |
0 itsuyan | |
0 jangom2ok | |
0 jikkojikkonist | |
0 johnny__kei | |
0 jollyjoester | |
0 jumpyoshim | |
0 k_kukita | |
0 kanbo0605 | |
0 kashi4th | |
0 katoma586 | |
0 katsuhisa__ | |
0 kaznishi1246 | |
0 kazu19861008_gm | |
0 kazuki_ste6a | |
0 kazumasamatsumo | |
0 kazuyukimiyake | |
0 kbn1053 | |
0 kboy_silvergym | |
0 ken80828086 | |
0 kenichiro246 | |
0 kiimiiis | |
0 kiyopikko | |
0 knt_mr | |
0 kochoru_kck | |
0 kojira | |
0 kokushi_yayoi | |
0 kotokoto_fire | |
0 kotonohana | |
0 kuluna | |
0 kumakumakkk | |
0 kunit | |
0 kuwahara_jsri | |
0 kuwapp_dev | |
0 kyamanaka0804 | |
0 kyo_nanba | |
0 kyokutyo | |
0 kysnm | |
0 m4kvn | |
0 m__ike_ | |
0 m_orishi | |
0 m_yukio | |
0 macs_6 | |
0 maidol_28 | |
0 mainyaa | |
0 maroqbee | |
0 masaibar | |
0 masakasuno1 | |
0 massa142 | |
0 mego_ | |
0 mfks17 | |
0 minhasu_k8 | |
0 mini_will_j | |
0 mitsuaki1229 | |
0 mituoh | |
0 miu_suke | |
0 miyaviee | |
0 mocamocaland | |
0 mokokko | |
0 moonlight_aska | |
0 mori_dev | |
0 morizotter | |
0 morugu | |
0 moruxa | |
0 mshrrks | |
0 mssknd | |
0 mutachii | |
0 n0bisuke | |
0 n494 | |
0 n_atmark | |
0 nafu003 | |
0 nagamejun | |
0 nagisa292 | |
0 nakasho_dev | |
0 naokinkfj | |
0 naotaro0123 | |
0 naoto_gohko | |
0 nashirox | |
0 nasneg | |
0 neet244 | |
0 negi111111 | |
0 neptacox | |
0 new_runnable | |
0 ngtknt | |
0 niwaken13 | |
0 nkano_t | |
0 nksm | |
0 nomelsan | |
0 noppefoxwolf | |
0 okunokentaro | |
0 okyunnura | |
0 operandoOS | |
0 osada | |
0 ottijp | |
0 p_on_ro | |
0 pekatwo | |
0 pekenishi | |
0 pine613 | |
0 plumsa_techbook | |
0 po3rin | |
0 prac1967 | |
0 prototechno | |
0 ptiringo | |
0 pzt | |
0 qiirin3 | |
0 r3yamauchi | |
0 realeyez77 | |
0 rkanda0430 | |
0 runble1 | |
0 ryo_kosuge | |
0 sano_shoichi | |
0 satorunakamatsu | |
0 satoshicano | |
0 satoshoco | |
0 satouch | |
0 seo_kyou | |
0 shgtkshruch | |
0 shi_no_oit | |
0 shin1rok | |
0 shinkoizumi0033 | |
0 shion_engineer | |
0 shiozaki_study | |
0 shirokuro331 | |
0 shishito_megane | |
0 shoaooki | |
0 shoito | |
0 showkoba | |
0 simonTokyo | |
0 simorgh3196 | |
0 sinemon30 | |
0 sn_f | |
0 sota1235 | |
0 sottar_ | |
0 spinning13 | |
0 sssinsi | |
0 stepan_ve | |
0 studioTeaTwo | |
0 suer | |
0 swiz_ard | |
0 syauta1142 | |
0 syyama_net | |
0 t4ku | |
0 tac28 | |
0 tadashimn | |
0 taisho6339 | |
0 takahashim | |
0 takanakahiko | |
0 takanoripe | |
0 takuchantuyoshi | |
0 tanakasan2525 | |
0 taro_osg | |
0 tatsuroro | |
0 taxiyoshida | |
0 tebasakyu | |
0 tenkoma | |
0 tetsuhama | |
0 threetreeslight | |
0 tikidunpon | |
0 tjun1 | |
0 tmknom | |
0 tnagao3000 | |
0 tommykw | |
0 tomo_thumb | |
0 tomoemon | |
0 tora470 | |
0 toriimiyukki | |
0 toshi0607 | |
0 tostring | |
0 tsh_kt | |
0 tshiyk | |
0 tsuyoshi84 | |
0 tudumi | |
0 tyotsu14 | |
0 ujikawa1026 | |
0 ukaji3 | |
0 uknmr | |
0 undbn | |
0 urouro_n | |
0 uta_tti | |
0 uto_ao | |
0 vocobeat | |
0 wara_be | |
0 webgyo | |
0 wkurokishiw | |
0 xinsuzuki | |
0 y_mochimaru | |
0 y_taka_23 | |
0 yamatatsu193 | |
0 yamoridon | |
0 yazashin | |
0 yokohane | |
0 yoneapp | |
0 yoshiro_m | |
0 youtoy | |
0 ysaito8015 | |
0 yt_hizi | |
0 yu_webmemo | |
0 yuji_tsukuba | |
0 yuki3711 | |
0 yuki_ycino | |
0 yukimarume87 | |
0 yukotan | |
0 yukpiz | |
0 yura_yura_ | |
0 yuta24 | |
0 yutakiyama | |
0 yutam | |
0 yuu_ito | |
0 yzono | |
0 zaki50 | |
0 zanyou | |
0 zima_gen | |
0 zukkey59 | |
1 1 | |
1 1ntegrale9 | |
1 2OAmfYqL | |
1 4cteru | |
1 709kura | |
1 7L4QOI | |
1 8monolith8 | |
1 95kugo | |
1 9m | |
1 AkiraTameto | |
1 Amothic | |
1 Cz_mirror | |
1 DotEarl | |
1 Fendo181 | |
1 GenkiAma | |
1 Gerb_era | |
1 HrOhata | |
1 IIInaIII | |
1 Jxck_ | |
1 Large2_ | |
1 MD5500 | |
1 MiyamotoTa | |
1 Niccari1 | |
1 Quramy | |
1 TakayukiNakajo | |
1 TanakaMidnight | |
1 ToSurpass12 | |
1 ToshiAizawa | |
1 TxRacing | |
1 U1Buzz | |
1 YuG1224 | |
1 YuukiTakahasi79 | |
1 _KentarOu | |
1 __yo7__ | |
1 _bannzai_ | |
1 _heiya_ | |
1 _hyme_ | |
1 _iamkuntao | |
1 _inductor_ | |
1 _kanacan_ | |
1 _minapin_ | |
1 _mogaming | |
1 _naru_jpn | |
1 _neekoko | |
1 _r548 | |
1 _risacan_ | |
1 _rockname | |
1 _tanabee | |
1 _yoyoyousei | |
1 a1234224576a | |
1 affinity_robots | |
1 akatsuki174 | |
1 alc_js | |
1 am_nimitz3 | |
1 anannori | |
1 ancestor_sark | |
1 anoChick | |
1 aonorihechima | |
1 banjun | |
1 bellx2 | |
1 bino98 | |
1 blackdesign | |
1 bonetaro | |
1 bonkeenu | |
1 brn227 | |
1 brond777 | |
1 bukaz54 | |
1 businessmagazi4 | |
1 busonx | |
1 camcam_lemon | |
1 cattaka_net | |
1 cch_robo | |
1 chanibarin | |
1 chillmatics | |
1 d0nchaaan | |
1 d_date | |
1 daidaix123 | |
1 daikiojm | |
1 daitasu | |
1 dala00 | |
1 daniel4790 | |
1 denn28 | |
1 devtmyn | |
1 dtakanashi | |
1 e_tanny25 | |
1 earshttp | |
1 eggman | |
1 entaku19890818 | |
1 eslar | |
1 f_prg | |
1 fnwiya | |
1 frostndays | |
1 furusin_oriver | |
1 fuuuuumin65 | |
1 gentlejkov | |
1 ginyolith | |
1 hamburgerdev | |
1 hatoyab | |
1 henzai01 | |
1 hilfiger_yu | |
1 hiragram | |
1 hiro_kiku_0920 | |
1 hiro_suzuki | |
1 hirobe | |
1 hirokazu_miyaji | |
1 hiromichinomata | |
1 hironow | |
1 hirothings | |
1 huideyeren | |
1 iganin_dev | |
1 imaizume | |
1 ipokoy | |
1 ishiichan_dayo | |
1 itog | |
1 itoha1028 | |
1 jat_out | |
1 jaxx2104 | |
1 jshosomichi | |
1 k8s_iro | |
1 k_yokomi | |
1 kabukawa | |
1 kaizumaki | |
1 kakajika200x | |
1 kamiru78 | |
1 kasaharu | |
1 kazutoyo | |
1 keimakai1993 | |
1 keing312 | |
1 keitaro_1020 | |
1 kenji_imi | |
1 kettsun0123 | |
1 kgsi | |
1 khitomix | |
1 kiepng | |
1 kitak | |
1 kobo_sta | |
1 kokabun | |
1 konn_conn | |
1 kosuke_mtm | |
1 kou_hon | |
1 koutalou | |
1 krskk1 | |
1 ktsugita | |
1 kzhrk0430 | |
1 libkazz | |
1 lilysweet | |
1 limagejane | |
1 line6th | |
1 m_kumanomi | |
1 m_umeneri | |
1 ma_kun3376 | |
1 maccostar | |
1 majica_ky | |
1 mallowlabs | |
1 marukugi | |
1 miso_develop | |
1 miyatomo_38 | |
1 mizchi | |
1 mochan_tk | |
1 mogumogu_kaeru | |
1 mokuo_ | |
1 momen_666 | |
1 monry | |
1 moorii_76 | |
1 moritatsuyoshi1 | |
1 morix1500 | |
1 mrt370 | |
1 mrzujpn | |
1 muromurooka | |
1 mypacecoltd | |
1 nabeliwo | |
1 nagaryu000 | |
1 nakayamachama | |
1 naoto_7713 | |
1 naoto_koide | |
1 natsuki_summer | |
1 nbot0902 | |
1 ngs | |
1 ninjinkun | |
1 noah_n6a | |
1 noriakihoriuchi | |
1 norihiro_sirube | |
1 nyapoo | |
1 occmee | |
1 omatty_bot | |
1 optaroufe | |
1 otofu_square | |
1 ovrmrw | |
1 pataiji | |
1 pco2699 | |
1 pitown | |
1 poemn_618 | |
1 popota52 | |
1 purunkaoru | |
1 qushot | |
1 renchild8 | |
1 rinrinhhhh | |
1 ryuta_01 | |
1 sachaos | |
1 saicologic | |
1 saihoooooooo | |
1 salamander_jp | |
1 sam_oda | |
1 sassymanyuichi | |
1 satton_maroyaka | |
1 seclows0 | |
1 sekitoba | |
1 sh0e12uatanal3e | |
1 shamoshamo | |
1 shanonim | |
1 shimakaze_soft | |
1 shmdevelop | |
1 shun_kashiwa | |
1 shuymn | |
1 singo405 | |
1 siskw | |
1 sokuratwi | |
1 solty_919 | |
1 sousoumt | |
1 soyanaka21 | |
1 st5757 | |
1 stzn3 | |
1 sugiken_bike | |
1 sun54907 | |
1 sunny_510 | |
1 super_manner | |
1 systam0721 | |
1 szdice | |
1 szkn27 | |
1 t0m0120 | |
1 ta_dadadada | |
1 tai_hatake | |
1 takahia | |
1 takumisatojpn | |
1 taquaki_satwo | |
1 tatane616 | |
1 tatsumi_rize | |
1 tazakeeeeeeee | |
1 techusic_hero | |
1 tenbo07 | |
1 teriyakisan | |
1 tetetepu | |
1 teyosh | |
1 there_you_hide | |
1 tiger_tokyo | |
1 tipo159 | |
1 tmk_ueks | |
1 tmyk110 | |
1 to_mumura | |
1 to_sato3 | |
1 tocie | |
1 tokuda109 | |
1 tomato360 | |
1 tomoya0x00 | |
1 touchez_du_bois | |
1 toyokun | |
1 tryforth | |
1 tuiteru | |
1 tutuming | |
1 tyorikan | |
1 ucan_lab | |
1 ukaznil | |
1 umechanhika | |
1 unecochan | |
1 uturist | |
1 uwettie9 | |
1 voxeking | |
1 vvakame | |
1 wanpa | |
1 waterlow2011 | |
1 wilf_genya | |
1 wkzk | |
1 xenbeat | |
1 xsoundjs | |
1 xyuewtqr | |
1 yacchin0101 | |
1 yakisuzu | |
1 yamadagenki0607 | |
1 yasu_ja_jp | |
1 ykarakita | |
1 ylisr | |
1 yoropan | |
1 yositosi | |
1 yossy_yuma | |
1 yuki_iwnr | |
1 yuri_htt | |
1 yuru36 | |
1 yut148 | |
1 yutaabe200 | |
1 yutailang0119 | |
1 yuyuyuyuyuri | |
1 yyyske3 | |
1 zabio_3 | |
2 1amageek | |
2 2 | |
2 7omich | |
2 Gazyu | |
2 Kaji_____ | |
2 Ryo_N03 | |
2 _naventus | |
2 _sgr_ksmt | |
2 alligator_tama | |
2 applideveloper | |
2 axross_ | |
2 boiyaa_ | |
2 call_me_zhizi | |
2 darquro | |
2 fromkk | |
2 gogoroya | |
2 h_sakano | |
2 hiratti41 | |
2 ichigoro | |
2 ijin | |
2 ippo_012 | |
2 isopppcom | |
2 itomoyasu | |
2 k03work | |
2 kaiba | |
2 kajitack | |
2 keito5656 | |
2 kuu_dou | |
2 kw_yt | |
2 laco2net | |
2 locol23 | |
2 m_h_dev | |
2 mah_lab | |
2 masashi0509 | |
2 minyako | |
2 mogmet | |
2 oppey | |
2 orange73_m | |
2 plum_eule | |
2 r_fujimoto | |
2 sasurau4 | |
2 sekikazu01 | |
2 shiogen | |
2 steelhearts_if | |
2 t32k | |
2 takaaki_sugar | |
2 takamii228 | |
2 takasek | |
2 takayukiokazuka | |
2 takehilo_kaneko | |
2 tokyocity0406 | |
2 tom_nobu | |
2 toshihirooya | |
2 vvaka1122 | |
2 whiteax1 | |
2 wiggling | |
2 wknar | |
2 wtnVenga | |
2 xasm | |
2 yagi_suke | |
2 youhonda30 | |
2 youya66Official | |
2 yujishimojo | |
2 yukin_557188 | |
2 yutaaa_8 | |
3 1013Youmeee | |
3 anh_pp | |
3 atotto | |
3 axhill | |
3 c_deutinger | |
3 canoefishing | |
3 d_machi0701 | |
3 eiskst | |
3 fumiyasac | |
3 ha_hagawa | |
3 himrock922 | |
3 k2wanko | |
3 kahirokunn | |
3 kato1628 | |
3 katsummy | |
3 keygx | |
3 konoki_nannoki | |
3 kosuke_tech | |
3 maruyama_jp | |
3 miyazaki_e | |
3 mugenou | |
3 nowhito | |
3 okarina711 | |
3 raindrop_nao | |
3 ry_kgy | |
3 t_dooor | |
3 up_weekend | |
3 uriuriuriu | |
3 yama_shin0525 | |
3 yamacraft | |
3 yusuke_yasuo | |
4 Kesin11 | |
4 aaatoyooka | |
4 daidai3110 | |
4 daneko0123 | |
4 daylilyfield | |
4 grem_ito | |
4 hecateball | |
4 isatanisatan | |
4 kame_f_no7 | |
4 keizi666 | |
4 kiyoshi_ohno | |
4 lovemeg | |
4 mizu_gako | |
4 nhiro78 | |
4 ogawa0071 | |
4 panchan9 | |
4 takaoka29 | |
4 takehiko77 | |
4 tarotaro4 | |
4 ticktakclock | |
4 yshogo87 | |
5 Yatima_K | |
5 ita_3y | |
5 marere_re | |
5 silverskyvicto | |
5 sinmetal | |
5 techsmith8 | |
5 tohda_chitoseka | |
5 yh1224 | |
6 icchi_h | |
6 startailall0 | |
6 tori0v0 | |
7 kaz080 |
Do you think this is sloppy?
No, I don't think that.
Writing command line is no simulation results, no variable, no loop statement, and no editer.
You get best of interactivity.
Reading shell script is sucks. I think so that.
Writing command line is great, good experience is more than REPL.
I will continue to write shell program.
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