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Beyond the login page

Thomas Broyer on November 29, 2023

There are many blog posts floating around about “adding authentication to your application”, be it written in Node.js, ASP.NET, Java with Spring Bo...
buarki profile image
buarki • Edited

but everyone should be aware that this is actually just the beginning of the journey, and most of the time those blog posts don't have any such warnings.

Got thrilled once read it and reading the full article for sure worth it!
Once I see someone stubborn about creating their own authn/authz system I'll just share this link to the subject gauge the effort and conclude it doesn't worth :)

netervati profile image

This is an absolute gem 💎. I really appreciate the depth of research here and in your other blog posts.

fidalmathew profile image
Fidal Mathew

Amazing points on the tradeoffs we generally don't think about!