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Taichi Sasaki
Taichi Sasaki

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Comparison between Goa v1 vs. v3 about the design primitive types

Goa v3 changed the primitive types used to design from v1. This article compares v1 and v3 primitive types with Swagger data types.

Primitive types of v1


const (
    // Boolean is the type for a JSON boolean.
    Boolean = Primitive(BooleanKind)

    // Integer is the type for a JSON number without a fraction or exponent part.
    Integer = Primitive(IntegerKind)

    // Number is the type for any JSON number, including integers.
    Number = Primitive(NumberKind)

    // String is the type for a JSON string.
    String = Primitive(StringKind)

    // DateTime is the type for a JSON string parsed as a Go time.Time
    // DateTime expects an RFC3339 formatted value.
    DateTime = Primitive(DateTimeKind)

    // UUID is the type for a JSON string parsed as a Go uuid.UUID
    // UUID expects an RFC4122 formatted value.
    UUID = Primitive(UUIDKind)

    // Any is the type for an arbitrary JSON value (interface{} in Go).
    Any = Primitive(AnyKind)

    // File is the type for a file. This type can only be used in a multipart definition.
    File = Primitive(FileKind)

Primitive types of v3


const (
    // Boolean is the type for a JSON boolean.
    Boolean = Primitive(BooleanKind)

    // Int is the type for a signed integer.
    Int = Primitive(IntKind)

    // Int32 is the type for a signed 32-bit integer.
    Int32 = Primitive(Int32Kind)

    // Int64 is the type for a signed 64-bit integer.
    Int64 = Primitive(Int64Kind)

    // UInt is the type for an unsigned integer.
    UInt = Primitive(UIntKind)

    // UInt32 is the type for an unsigned 32-bit integer.
    UInt32 = Primitive(UInt32Kind)

    // UInt64 is the type for an unsigned 64-bit integer.
    UInt64 = Primitive(UInt64Kind)

    // Float32 is the type for a 32-bit floating number.
    Float32 = Primitive(Float32Kind)

    // Float64 is the type for a 64-bit floating number.
    Float64 = Primitive(Float64Kind)

    // String is the type for a JSON string.
    String = Primitive(StringKind)

    // Bytes is the type for binary data.
    Bytes = Primitive(BytesKind)

    // Any is the type for an arbitrary JSON value (interface{} in Go).
    Any = Primitive(AnyKind)

Swagger data types


Common Name type format Comments
integer integer int32 signed 32 bits
long integer int64 signed 64 bits
float number float
double number double
string string
byte string byte base64 encoded characters
binary string binary any sequence of octets
boolean boolean
date string date As defined by full-date - RFC3339
dateTime string date-time As defined by date-time - RFC3339
password string password Used to hint UIs the input needs to be obscured.


v3 has more types than v1 to support gRPC. DateTime and UUID are obsoleted but equivalent definitions can be described using the Format DSL. There are many more formats.

v1 v3 Swagger Common Name Swagger type Swagger format
Boolean Boolean boolean boolean
Integer Int long integer int64
Int32 integer integer int32
Int64 long integer int64
UInt long integer int64
UInt32 integer integer int32
UInt64 long integer int64
Number Float32 float number float
Float64 double number double
String String string string
DateTime String + Format(FormatDateTime) dateTime string date-time
UUID String + Format(FormatUUID) string uuid
String + Format(FormatDate) date string date
String + Format(FormatEmail) string email
String + Format(FormatHostname) string hostname
String + Format(FormatIPv4) string ipv4
String + Format(FormatIPv6) string ipv6
String + Format(FormatIP) string ip
String + Format(FormatURI) string uri
String + Format(FormatMAC) string mac
String + Format(FormatCIDR) string cidr
String + Format(FormatRegexp) string regexp
String + Format(FormatJSON) string json
String + Format(FormatRFC1123) string rfc1123
Bytes byte string byte
Any Any any
File file

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