Kelly and Sean are headed to their first PyCon next week. In this special mini-episode, they discuss their Top 5 things that they're looking forward to at the conference. Are you going? Want to meet up with us? Send us a tweet!
- Become a Patron of Teaching Python — Let's replace Sean as the audio editor of our podcasts. Your ears will thank you!
- Python Education Summit @ PyCon | PyCon 2019 in Cleveland, Ohio — In 2019, PyCon will be holding its seventh annual Python Education Summit. The Summit is a gathering of teachers and educators focused on bringing coding literacy, through Python, to as broad a group of audiences as possible. We invite educators from all venues to consider joining the discussion, share insights, learn new techniques and tools and generally share their passion for education. We are looking for educators from many venues: authors; schools, colleges, universities; community-based workshops; online programs; and government. Not only will we have a wide array of full-blown talks, we will also have a round of lightning talks!
- Presentation: Getting Down with Pynguin | PyCon 2019 in Cleveland, Ohio — Pynguin is a python-based turtle graphics application. It combines an editor, interactive interpreter, and graphics display area. A group of high school / community college students from Arlington, Virginia will be doing a curriculum sprint on a Pynguin tutorial as part of the Getting Down with ... Series. This sprint will start on Thursday afternoon as part of the Education Summit.
- Open Spaces | PyCon 2019 in Cleveland, Ohio — Open Spaces are self-organizing one-hour meetup-like events which happen in parallel with the main conference. They are held in meeting rooms within the PyCon convention center.