Sean and Kelly invite Ali Spittel to talk about how teachers can go beyond their first programming language and help students learn to create more robust projects. If you’ve started with Python, how do you learn HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to make a front end for a project? Or vice versa?
Ali is a Senior Developer Advocate at AWS, the co-host of the Ladybug Podcast, and a frequent tech writer and speaker. She has been employed in the tech industry since 2014, holding multiple software engineering positions at startups and a Distinguished Faculty and Faculty Lead role at General Assembly's Software Engineering Immersive.
Special Guest: Ali Spittel.
- Introduction · HonKit — Welcome to the Django Girls Tutorial! We are happy to see you here :) In this tutorial, we will take you on a journey under the hood of web technologies, offering you a glimpse of all the bits and pieces that need to come together to make the web work as we know it. As with all unknown things, this is going to be an adventure - but no worries, since you already worked up the courage to be here, you'll be just fine :)
- Ladybug Podcast — We started the Ladybug Podcast as a few lady Twitter acquaintances looking to add our voices to the male-dominated tech podcast space. We published our first episode on July 1, 2019. Since then we’ve published nearly 50 episodes, interviewed many amazing guests, and become close friends in the process.
- Home · We Learn Code — Hi! I'm Ali I’m a software engineer and teacher. I blog about the things I wish I knew when I was learning to code. You'll find technical tutorials, career advice, and more all right here!
- Github - aspittel (Ali Spittel)