This week Sean and Kelly are joined by Dr. Becky Smethurst from Oxford to talk about code and science. Dr. Becky is an astrophysicist, author, and science communicator. Each week, she publishes a video on her YouTube channel explaining a bit about space,
Special Guest: Becky Smethurst.
- Dr. Becky - YouTube — Your friendly neighbourhood astrophysicist. I'm Dr Becky Smethurst, an astrophysicist at the University of Oxford. I love making videos about science with an unnatural level of enthusiasm. I like to focus on how we know things, not just what we know. And especially, the things we still don't know.
- 5 ways I use code as an astrophysicist - YouTube — I could not get my science done if I did not know how to code. Here are 5 things I use it for.
- Space at the Speed of Light: The History of 14 Billion Years for People Short on Time , Smethurst, Dr Becky - — From the big bang to black holes, this fast-paced illustrated tour of time and space for the astro-curious unlocks the science of the stars to reveal fascinating theories, surprising discoveries, and ongoing mysteries in modern astronomy and astrophysics.