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How to add like and dislike functionality in my laravel website?

we may sometime require to create like and dislike functionality for your posts, tutorials, articles, products etc in your laravel 5.6 application like on facebook, twitter, google etc. here i will show you how to build ajax realtime like unlike system in laravel 5, laravel 6, laravel 7, laravel 8 and laravel 9 application.

In this tutorial, we will integrate like system from scratch and step by step so you can understand and learn how it works. it is very simple and easy way to create like a system in laravel. we will use overtrue/laravel-follow composer package for like dislike system in laravel.

So basically here we will create users table and posts table. we will add some dummy records on posts table using laravel seeder. then we will create laravel default auth using auth command. after that we as we know we can register login new users. after that we will list all posts with like icon and also we will display counter for how many users likes this post like on facebook. we will write code for jquery ajax and make it real time like dislike system. So you need to just follow bellow step and get layout like as bellow screen shot.

How to add like and dislike functionality in my laravel website?

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