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Laravel 9 Ajax Post Request Example Tutorial

Hi Dev,

This tutorial is focused on laravel 9 ajax request example. I’m going to show you how to use ajax in laravel 9. step by step explain laravel 9 jquery ajax post request example. step by step explains laravel 9 ajax form submit example.

Ajax request is a basic requirement of any php project, we are always looking for without page refresh data should store in the database and it's possible only by jquery ajax request. same thing if you need to write an ajax form submit in laravel 9 then I will help you how you can pass data with an ajax request and get on the controller.

In this example, we will create a "posts" table with a title and body column. we will list all posts data and add create button there. when you click on create button we will open the model where you can create a new post using a jquery ajax request. so basically you can fire an ajax post request with a bootstrap model.

so let's follow the below step to do this example.

Laravel 9 Ajax Post Request Example Tutorial

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