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Laravel 9 Drag and Drop Image Upload Using Dropzone

Hello Dev,

This article is focused on laravel 9 drag and drop file upload dropzone js. if you want to see an example of laravel 9 dropzone example then you are in the right place. you can see laravel 9 dropzone multiple files. we will help you to give an example of laravel 9 dropzone image upload. You just need to some steps to do laravel 9 dropzone file upload.

Dropzone.js is a jquery plugin, dropzone.js we can select one by one image and also with preview. After choosing an image from browse we can see a preview of the image. dropzone.js also provide filter like we can make validation for max upload, a specific image or file extension, etc.

In this example i create two route, one for display view and another for store image. i also create two methods on DropzoneController and one blade file with dropzone js plugin js and css that way we can display the layout. You can implement in your laravel application by following few steps.

Laravel 9 Drag and Drop Image Upload Using Dropzone

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