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How To Do Effective Content Analysis

What is content analysis?

We’ve all heard about the importance of content.
Every word you speak is the content you produce. If you tailor your comments according to a situation’s needs, you’re likely to win that situation.

If you think about it, we try doing this every day.
We speak differently to our friends, and we automatically change our tone in a professional environment. When we communicate effectively, we come across as more appealing. Content Marketing is no different!

As a business, we market various types of content to appeal to our target audience. We insist on creating ‘good’ content to drive traffic, customer engagement, and brand recognition.

But…A lot of times, our content fails to make the impact we expect. This is where content analysis comes in.

It’s a research method in which we check on keywords, content themes, and concepts in the content we produce, for example, social media posts, video content, blogs, books, etc.

Content analysis in marketing is mostly qualitative. The aim is to see whether your content is fulfilling business goals.

How critical is content analysis in Marketing?
It’s vital because generating content utilizes valuable resources and time. Hence, someone should analyze it at designated times to gauge its effectiveness.

It allows us to identify trends, rethink our marketing strategies, and develop newer content strategies to keep on succeeding.

It also helps determine the gaps in content while aiding businesses in setting the direction of their marketing strategies.

Content Analysis helps businesses understand their target audience better as they engage with them through content.

Measuring Content Against Qualities

Through content analysis, it’s easy to root out ineffective content.

The proofreader should judge it against specific qualities such as:

  1. How aligned content is with Business goals
  2. How optimized content is with SEO
  3. Whether it caters to the target audience
  4. How clear and accurate content is
  5. How consistent it is with Brand positioning
  6. How it captures the brand essence


Good content is one that is guided by relevant data and research. When content is backed by proper research, it has more chance of succeeding with its marketing strategy.

Who can carry out content analysis?

Every company/individual who engages in producing content to increase its brand perception should do content analysis.
Doing careful content analysis from time to time has several upsides:

  • Increases brand value among the target audience
  • Helps increase conversions
  • Gives awareness to customers
  • Builds more robust customer relationships
  • Increase traffic to the website
  • Builds a perception of the brand as an industry specialist

What’s the best time to do a content analysis?

The best time to carry out content analysis is before making your marketing campaign live or when there is going to be a shift in the existing marketing strategy.

Pro Tip:
In addition to analyzing your content, It is always smart to analyze competitors’ content when launching a new campaign or enjoying success with an existing one. It can help give you more creative ideas to produce content for your own business.

Ways to Analyze the Success of Your Content

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Photo by Green Chameleon on Unsplash

Primary Conversions

One way to monitor the effectiveness of your content is through conversions.

Start by checking the percentage of site visits that end up in either a sale, download or whatever your goal is for a specific landing page.

Additional Conversions

Also, keep an eye out for additional secondary conversions. These are the percentage of users who take extra action after engaging with your brand online.

If you offer downloadable E-books or white papers, you could periodically check their downloads to gauge your content’s success over time.

Evaluating Chatbot Communication

You can also evaluate the number of users who engage with your website’s chatbot.

You can classify your audience into different categories, such as active users, new users, or users interested in company engagement.

Profiling frequent visitors to your site

You can profile users who frequently visit your site. Businesses often use a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool for such an analysis. The software allows you to track visitors whenever they visit your site’s landing page.

Another way to profile your site’s visitors is through lead scoring. This allows you to track the behavior patterns of your visitors. The software then assigns a score to the user based on his transactional nature, level of interest, etc.

This allows you to segment your audience, such as those who are likely to make purchases from those who are not.

Using such tracking, you can gauge whether sales increase or decrease after tweaking around with the content.

Check Sales after Every Remarketing Campaign

It’s often useful to run remarketing campaigns to consumers who repeatedly show an interest in your industry.

Many users often need convincing before purchasing, so businesses remarket their campaigns to strengthen their buying intent.

One way to analyze the success of content is by gauging the surge or dip in sales after remarketing campaigns. This helps in determining what content works and what doesn’t.

Track Your Search Ranking

Another way to do content analysis is by checking out your content’s SEO (link on-page) optimization.

In other words, by making sure your content is on the first page of Google, your content has a more substantial chance of being successful. You can monitor your ranking changes using the Google Search Console (Link), which notifies you of any changes in your search ranking.

Increase Your Brand’s Social Engagement

Having a strong online presence also means to be active. When you actively engage with your brand’s target audience, it helps build an emotional connection with them. This can go a long way in increasing your sales and generating more leads.

You can do this by checking out how much your brand is trending among the people.

You can gauge the number of times you’re being mentioned, be it daily, weekly.

You can also monitor your content’s success by tracking your analytics on social media.

If you run a company blog, you may track the number of comments you’re getting on your content.

What Parameters to Analyze

Track These Essential Content Analysis Metrics

Website Traffic

Website Traffic is one of the essential metrics you should be tracking because one of the significant purposes of creating content is to bring traffic to the website.
When analyzing website traffic, you should monitor
Tracking Unique Page-views
Unique page-views track the frequency of the user hitting one web page within a 30-minute window.
Unique page-views are generally lower in number, but they tell a great deal about the impact of new content if any improvements are made in the web traffic.

On-Page Time

This serves as a strong indicator of how many website visitors like certain content.
This is gauged by monitoring the visit time of each user on a webpage.

Bounce Rate

Bounce rate showcases the percentage of visitors who first click on the page but leave without any activity.
A high bounce rate is not considered acceptable. it may vary according to
the nature of a website

The time users are likely to spend on the site in the best-case scenarios.

The main goal here is to have a low bounce rate, which would indicate that users are enjoying the content hence spending a longer time on the pages.

Sometimes, users straight away get what they’re looking for and leave because their intent has been satisfied. It all depends on the type of content your website utilizes.

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