Christopher Nolan, TENET and Salt Mango Tree Malayalam podcast | The Malayali - Kerala's smartest podcast - Host Krish
Hey guys,
On this Kerala podcast episode, we are discussing Christopher Nolan's movie TENET and all other his movie.
If you are a fan of Christopher Nolan movies or you want to know more about this podcast in Malayalam is for you.
This is our first collaboration Malayalam podcast episode with Achuthan, Salt Mango Tree Malayalam podcast host.
Achuthan is one of the founders of the Malayalam podcast community. nice guy with lots of knowledge. He is from Kollam.
His podcast name is Salt Mango Tree. One of the Top Kerala podcast. If you guys don't even check his Malayalam podcast Spotify link
Also, he has one youtube channel Mallunium.
On this podcast we also mention one short film, please check it
Salt Mango tree Instagram
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