In this nine-part series from MongoDB World 2022, MongoDB Principal Developer Advocate and host, Mike Lynn chats with Founder of Qubitro, Beray Bentesen. Qubitro is a device data platform for modern applications, and it can connect device data from multiple IoT networks for data companies so they can focus on business without the worries of scaling infrastructure. In this conversation the two discuss various aspects of using MongoDB and Qubrito in unison, and how Qubrito has benefitted from building its technology on top of MongoDB.
Highlights include:
- [07:10] Meet Beray and his company Qubitro
- [09:32] How Beray became interested in IOT and how it resulted in building Qubitro
- [11:31] Handling and segmenting customer data
- [15:51] For people just starting with IOT and Qubitro
- [17:19] Advice for founders starting a company
- [19:55 ] Qubitro's business model
- [23:19] What Beray has found most exciting about MongoDB World