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The Ben Cox
The Ben Cox

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Best Practices for Code Reviews in Agile Development Teams

Best Practices for Code Review in Agile Development Teams

As a software developer working within an Agile development team, code reviews are a vital component of maintaining high code quality πŸ’ͺ, fostering collaboration, and improving efficiency. They form an integral part of the software development process, enabling team members to provide feedback, identify and fix bugs, and enhance the overall quality of the codebase πŸ‘Œ. In this article, we will delve into some best practices for conducting effective code reviews in Agile development teams.

Use the right tools

Leveraging dedicated code review tools like GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket can significantly streamline the code review process. Many of these tools are free to use, making them accessible to teams of all sizes and fellow hobbyists 😏. These platforms offer a range of features, including inline comments, code highlighting, and seamless integration with version control systems, which make reviewing and discussing code changes more efficient. Especially when they support different colours and themes!

Additionally, these tools also maintain a record of code review feedback for future reference, ensuring that valuable insights are not lost in the fast-paced development cycle or forgetful developers mind (spinning plates syndrome?).

Set Clear Code Review Guidelines

Establishing clear code review guidelines is essential for consistency and efficiency in the code review process. These guidelines should cover aspects such as coding standards, code organization, documentation, and performance considerations. Communicate these guidelines to team members and ensure that they are followed consistently across all code reviews.

They can be as lengthy or short as you and your team want; But be careful not to overkill the process as that can lead to neglecting and or forgetting the guidelines ☠. This leads us on to:

Focus on Code Quality, Not Personalities

During code reviews, it's important to focus on the quality of the code and not on personal opinions or personalities. Everyone has different outlooks, so being pernickety could delay the code review and more importantly frustrate your team members. I learnt this first hand by being a little too picky about things I personally would have done differently like white-spacing and bracketing πŸ™ˆ.

Keeping discussions professional helps avoid any accidental (or deliberate πŸ”«πŸ—Ώ) attacks. Remember that the goal is to improve the code and the overall quality of the software. So that's why you should:

Provide Specific and Actionable Feedback

When providing feedback during code reviews, aim to be specific and actionable. Avoid vague comments like "fix this" and instead provide clear suggestions on how to improve the code. Point out any potential issues or areas that require further attention, and provide feedback in a respectful and constructive manner.

Many of the tools mentioned support Markdown and displaying code, so your review could include how you would improve code being specific about problematic variables, logic, etc. so the reviewee can easily understand and learn. Like Possible Object Ref error here, Spelling typo, You need to add VAT onto the total.

Encourage Peer Review

Peer review is an essential aspect of code reviews in Agile development teams. Encourage team members to review each other's code and provide constructive feedback. Peer review promotes knowledge sharing, helps identify potential issues, and fosters a culture of continuous improvement.

Sure, have your Team Lead take a looksee, but having other members also looking helps them learn as well as identify any toe stepping (when we're in the same code classes, methods, files etc.). Juniors who are eager to learn 😏 can also benefit although they might not be able to provide full feedback coverage, they can look and learn.

Follow the "Single Responsibility Principle"

Reviewers should focus on reviewing one aspect of the code at a time, following the Single Responsibility Principle. This means that each code review should focus on a specific area: obviously the files changed but also around why this change is needed. For example, with a performance bug you should consider if that code actually is faster and improves performance overall or if a CSS fix is compatible for the plethora of browsing devices we have these days.

Follow Up on Code Review Feedback

After receiving feedback during a code review, it's important to follow up on the comments and suggestions provided. Address any issues raised, provide explanations if needed, and make necessary changes to the code. It's essential to close the feedback loop and ensure that code review feedback is incorporated into the final codebase.

It's OK to challenge senior team members. Learning is a two-way process and to understand better and this doesn't just mean to not do what they are suggesting but it could be to do another time (as it's out of scope).


Code reviews are a vital part of the Agile software development process. By using dedicated code review tools, setting clear guidelines, encouraging peer review, providing specific feedback, maintaining professionalism, and following up on feedback, Agile development teams can effectively leverage code reviews to improve code quality, collaboration, and overall development efficiency.

Remember that these are general best practices, and it's important to tailor them to your team's specific needs and requirements. By implementing effective code review practices, your Agile development team can ensure that the codebase is of high quality, robust, and maintainable, leading to successful software development projects.

What are your thoughts? Let me know in the comments 😎

Cover Photo by Alvaro Reyes on Unsplash

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