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From contributor to maintainer - any tips or advice?

👋 Hello fellow devs!

For my 3rd Hacktoberfest challenge, I finally decided to participate mainly as a maintainer and I would like to share and discuss with you the benefits (and difficulties! 😬) of it!

👀 My background

Coding and contributing to projects are only side activities for me. Still, I always loved the spirit behind open source projects and I wanted to be part of it!

🎯 Goals

I used to participate in the Hacktoberfest challenge as a contributor as it was for me a great opportunity to gain experience and to understand how things worked.

But I am also a maintainer of the project on Github.

It was then a good opportunity for me to change my approach: I decided that I would open issues on this project for contributors to work on. ✨

I wanted to offer some really easy-to-resolve issues, more to understand how to contribute rather than actually coding - in short, everything that I wanted to find when I was a first-time contributor to the hacktoberfest! - which was for me a good way to start smoothly as a maintainer.

GitHub logo aliceandbob-io / aliceandbob

🔐 A free, light and easy to use client-side tool to generate PGP key pairs, encrypt and decrypt messages. 🌐🔐

A free, light and easy to use client-side tool to generate PGP key pairs, encrypt and decrypt messages.

Check it out! 🔥


Features ✨

  • 🗝️ Generate PGP key pairs
  • 🔒 Encrypt messages with the public PGP key of the receiver
  • 🔓 Decrypt messages with your private PGP key

Tech 🔧

  • Ruby (v2.6.5)
  • Rails (v6.0.3.2)
  • Stimulus JS (v1.1.1)

Library 📚

OpenPGP.js (v5.3.0), a JavaScript implementation of the OpenPGP protocol. Find out more on

Contributing 🍰

Please contribute using GitHub Flow. Refer first to the open issues then create a branch, add commits, and open a pull request!

You can also read the CODE OF CONDUCT.

When forking and cloning the repo, don't forget to do the following:

  1. yarn install --check-files
  2. bundle install
  3. Duplicate the database.yml.template file and rename it database.yml
  4. Update the database.yml file as needed to match your configuration
  5. Then, rails db:setup.

🚧 The journey

I started by opening begginer-friendly issues such as this one:

docs: update of the landing page #39

The screenshot that appears in the /app/views/pages/_section_webapp.html.erb page needs to be replaced. The new screenshot may be found here and is named screenshot-online-pgp-tool_v2.png.

By doing so I was able to follow the work of potential contributors, to answer them and to guide them if needed. It was also the opportunity for me to understand the role of a maintainer and a reviewer, to assign properly issues and to make sure that contributors would follow the guide of conduct and the Git and Github concepts.

So far so good I must say! I am learning a lot as a maintainer, which is not always as easy as I would have thought! 😅

🔥 Next steps!

My Hacktoberfest 2021 experience as a first-time maintainer is really exciting and I will definitly participate next year as I am learning a lot.

But now, I would like to be able to open several and complicated issues at the same time, dealing with multiple pull requests and struggling with merge conflicts 🤯 In short, going a step further in open-sourcing the project!

I was then wondering what was your experience of it, both as maintainer and as contributor. What makes a good maintainer? What are the biggest issues you are dealing with? Are you sometimes overwhelmed with inputs from contributors? etc.

I would love to read from you all! 🙏

Thanks a lot for reading and for your comments!

Happy Hacktoberfest to all of you! 🎃

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