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Olukayode Asemudara
Olukayode Asemudara

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A Technical Article about front-end technologies.


In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, frontend technologies have seen a dramatic transformation over the past few decades. From the static web pages of the early internet to the dynamic, interactive, and highly responsive applications we use today, frontend technologies have played a crucial role in shaping user experiences. This article takes you through the journey of frontend technologies, highlighting key milestones and the modern tools that are driving innovation in the field.

The Early Days: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

The Foundation HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is the backbone of the web, providing the structure for web pages. Despite its simplicity, HTML laid the groundwork for the web as we know it today.

CSS: Styling the Web. CSS allowed developers to separate content from design, making it easier to maintain and update the look and feel of websites. With CSS, developers could control layout, colors, fonts, and more, bringing a more polished and visually appealing experience to users.

JavaScript: Bringing Interactivity

JavaScript, revolutionized the web by enabling interactive features. Unlike HTML and CSS, JavaScript is a programming language that runs in the browser, allowing developers to create dynamic content that responds to user actions. From form validation to interactive maps, JavaScript opened up a world of possibilities for web developers.

The Rise of Libraries and Frameworks

React: The Component Revolution
Facebook's React, introduced in 2013, brought a revolutionary approach with its component-based architecture. React components encapsulate their logic and presentation, making it easier to manage and reuse code.

Vue.js: The Progressive Framework
Vue.js, created by Evan You in 2014, combined the best of AngularJS and React. Vue is known for its simplicity and flexibility, making it approachable for beginners who probably just decided to move from writing pure javascript to delve into a new javascript framework. Unlike React, Vue is quite very easy for beginners because it uses almost same code-block like pure javascript and still very powerful enough for large-scale applications. Vue's reactive data binding and component-based architecture have made it a favorite among developers plus me in particular. Especially when you are moving from vue to Nuxt which is still Vue but unlike Vue, where you have to import a number of components, Nuxt auto imports these components anytime that you need to use them in a certain code-block.


As much as I am aware that HNG is a React only based Internship which means that I would either have to learn to use react or possibly be evicted out of the race along the line. I would still love to go ahead if given the opportunity to learn alongside others using Vue/Nuxt, if otherwise, I would continue to learn React till I finish or till I am dropped out of the race.

HNG Internships
HNG Internships

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