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How to Configure Starship to Look Exactly Like P10K (zsh + Warp + MacOS)

Jessica Wang on March 27, 2023

Intro In this blog, I’m going to be showing you step-by-step how to configure your Starship prompt to look as close as possible to power...
sandaun profile image
Oriol Carbó

Hi Jessica,

Thanks for the step-by-step guide :D

I'm having an issue though. Don't know why icons are not showing. The font is correctly installed. Any ideas?
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jandiee profile image
Jandiee • Edited

I had to edit the starship.toml file myself to include the correct icons. When copy pasting the content from the github, it pasted the symbols as some kind of unknown thingy.

Open the detail of the Nerd Font - Font Book -> My Fonts -> double-click Nerd Font, find the appropriate icons, copy them and paste them into the .toml file. You can edit the "format" variables in the appropriate sections. Specifically I had to manually edit the Apple logo, time icon, cmd duration icon and folder icon. Other icons were fine :)

therubberduckiee profile image
Jessica Wang

Thanks for the reply here! Yeah, it's weird. When I copy it myself, I can see the icons, but I do see it shows up as gibberish for other people. I'm not sure how to fix this issue, but I will look into it when I have some free time.

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pmorelli profile image
Peter Morelli

i think there's some subtle rendering issues, too. i had to set my font size to 15 to get it to line up. What are your font size and line spacing?

Even with the font size, every other line seemed rendered slightly off.
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sandaun profile image
Oriol Carbó

That's true! I just noticed now. Thanks a lot!

siriguppa_aditya_c6bf1267 profile image
Siriguppa Aditya

Even I am facing the same issue can somebody post the screenshot of toml file so that it would be easy to paste which icons

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stephencatano profile image
Stephen Cataño • Edited


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I can't identify where appears the CMD Duration Icon, but I put a Tux.

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sajmo profile image
Saj S

Hey @stephencatano would you able to share this file?

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sajmo profile image
Saj S

Hey, would you able to share this file?

pratikcodes profile image
Pratik Tiwari

I am having same issue. There are some issues with warp and fonts use Menlo NF

rallanvila profile image
Allan Vila

For some reason whenever I copy and save the starship.toml file, I'm not getting the powerline theme? Warp is set to custom shell prompt and the starship theme seems to be applied.

However, it's not taking the changes from the saved starship.toml located in ~/.config

It doesn't look like anyone has had this issue in here, any ideas?

rallanvila profile image
Allan Vila

nvm, I went through all my homebrew installs in **/homebrew/optand deleted the spaceship directory and now it's working as expected.

edgarmc100 profile image

Thanks Jessica, I just had to install the Nerd font because the icons weren't showing.

therubberduckiee profile image
Jessica Wang

Ok! Just added the installation steps for the Nerd Font I use into the blog.

therubberduckiee profile image
Jessica Wang

Oh right! I forgot to mention that. I'll add that to the blog.

Which Nerd font did you end up installing?

pridapablo profile image
Pablo Banzo

Hey Jessica! Thanks for the great article.
Here's an easy nerd font installation (I'm using "Hack"):

Then i just swapped the terminal font in Warp>Apperance>Text>Terminal font.

Quick question. Is there a way to put the cursor next to the prompt instead of under it? hahahhah i'm new to Warp and i'm too used to the mac terminal setup.

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therubberduckiee profile image
Jessica Wang

The short answer for if it's possible to put the cursor next to the prompt: no.

Unlike other terminal editors, Warp treats the prompt and the input box as two different UI elements. So it's currently not possible to configure Warp to have the cursor next to the prompt :/

eihab profile image
Eihab Khan • Edited

Thanks Jessica, what font are you using in Warp?

therubberduckiee profile image
Jessica Wang

I'm using the DroidSansMono Nerdfont!

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therubberduckiee profile image
Jessica Wang

I've updated the blog to include the installation steps for this font now!

kristof_p profile image
Kristof P

You can get the time on the right side in warp. Just use
symbol = " "

And use $fill in your format = """ section where you want to split it up
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pratikcodes profile image
Pratik Tiwari

Really helped set it up. Thank you!

thoroc profile image

Nice! Just recreated the agnoster theme from p9k :)

hafiztayab profile image

Thanks Jessica, I have installed fonts but my fonts are not loading.


jandiee profile image
codeyy profile image
Yuto Yoshino

Great article! Thank you!

therubberduckiee profile image
Jessica Wang

No problem! Thanks for giving it a read :)

itzadetunji profile image
Adetunji Adeyinka • Edited

I have found the solution here but only to the folder icon @therubberduckiee

reseal592 profile image
my two

Dear Jessica,
Your article helped me to modify my toml file, I had no idea on some of editing previously. Thank you very much for your effort 🙂 👍

gentlewalker profile image
Luka Stankovic

Hi people, I am not sure this is right anymore (Settings > Features > Session > Honor user’s custom prompt). Where can I enable this now?

jais99 profile image
Jaisal Srivastava • Edited

@therubberduckiee I'm sorry, but you might wanna add this to your TODO: update tutorial, to incorporate changes in warp settings!

Hey Luka!, its now under the appearance menu, inside the prompt settings, change the prompt from warp to PS1

New Location for setting

Select PS1