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The Must-Have SEO Checklist for Developers For 2025

Sohail SJ | TheZenLabs on December 29, 2024

Hey, Devs! So I have been working on a few SEO Focused projects lately and I thought I would share some of the best practices and strategies I hav...
jacksonkasi profile image
Jackson Kasi

Hi @thesohailjafri 👋

I read this article, and it's really valuable. Should I add it to my dev document?

If you create a Pull Request to include it in the document, I’d be happy :)

For example:

  • Add a new page in the document
  • Add a link to the Dev Resources pages

thesohailjafri profile image
Sohail SJ | TheZenLabs

I will be glad to contribute brother. I will check out the repo and add a PR in this week.

jacksonkasi profile image
Jackson Kasi

That's awesome 🙌

fazlay profile image
Fazlay Rabbi

For url structure if the blog is about in another language what to do?

is it better to make the url in english or relevent language with focus keyword is enough

finfin profile image
Fin Chen

From my experience:

  1. URL doesn't affect ordering of SEO ranking
  2. but a more semantic URL (usually in English) will be more understandable when sharing , that will raise the chances of sharing
  3. What affect ranking the most is the backlinks (sharing of the links)

Based on these two points I would recommend using a English semantic url
such as your.domain/posts/blog-title-in-en...

Also, another facet to add to the post:
You can use alternative url if the post is in multiple different languages, to let let search engine know that they are the same content, related but in different language

they have a
<link rel="alternate" hreflang="en" href=""> in the head

thesohailjafri profile image
Sohail SJ | TheZenLabs

Yup, but managing those url from the developer becomes difficult. But I have seen forbe use complex URL structure like I mentioned in bad structure.

Also thanks for highlight alternate URL totally missed 👏

thesohailjafri profile image
Sohail SJ | TheZenLabs • Edited

if you are running multi language website I would highly suggest implement internationalization via this NPM package

example below of url structure:

└── public
    └── en
        ├── blog
        |   └── awesome-blog-article
    └── de
        └── blog
            └── toller-blog-artikel
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makechi02 profile image

Great post. I find valuable information that I have never known. I've bookmarked for easier access and I'll implement these in my projects. Thanks 😊

thesohailjafri profile image
Sohail SJ | TheZenLabs

Hey thanks for bookmarking this post. if find any difficulties implementing anything from post do let me know. this will help me improve the quality of post as well as fix any edge cases

devops_devrel profile image
Memories From

I didn’t know about Umami for analytics. Gotta try it out for my projects. Thanks for the tip

fab_senchuri_1db3ef715953 profile image
Fab Senchuri

you just solved a lot of problems i found while working in few projects but didn't quite found solutions any where. thanks @thesohailjafri

thesohailjafri profile image
Sohail SJ | TheZenLabs

I am glad it helped you fab, let me know if you face any problems I'm open to improving this article so that it becomes a one-stop solution for any developer out there struggling/implementing SEO

mouad_c35a40873 profile image
Mouad Harmouche

Great article ! Thanks :)

thesohailjafri profile image
Sohail SJ | TheZenLabs

Thanks for giving it a read. Do share if you find something of or could be added to improve the quality of this article

sahilchaubey profile image

This is pure gold! Thanks for sharing such a detailed checklist. Bookmarking this for future reference. 🙌

thesohailjafri profile image
Sohail SJ | TheZenLabs

Hey thanks for book marking, means a lot. happy coding! mate

sahil_chaubey_45db49be580 profile image

Loved the emphasis on Core Web Vitals. It’s becoming more important than ever for SEO.

thesohailjafri profile image
Sohail SJ | TheZenLabs

Hey thanks for checking out bro

baziota profile image

amazing guide, thansks so much I wanna use this every time I need to perform the SEO of my app...

thesohailjafri profile image
Sohail SJ | TheZenLabs

Bookmark it my man. Also ping if you need any additional SEO stuff you do aside from these so that I will include that in this guide

superdevchaurasia profile image

Thanks for the comprehensive guide

thesohailjafri profile image
Sohail SJ | TheZenLabs

Hey thanks for checking out man

eustachi0 profile image

Such a great article. Thanks, I'm working on a project and this will help a lot. Cheers. Happy New Year 🎊

thesohailjafri profile image
Sohail SJ | TheZenLabs

Glad to hear that mate, Happy new year!

bobiiii profile image
Babar Khan

i have spent alot of time by figuring these things in last 3,4 months . after implementing all of these i found your Blog :D

thesohailjafri profile image
Sohail SJ | TheZenLabs

My bad I shouldn't had procrastinated, but it took me time to compose videos explaining few concepts of seo in nextjs.

hey but let me know some new tips you have which this guide dont cover. thanks babar!

sahil_chaubey_5417dfa7caa profile image


thesohailjafri profile image
Sohail SJ | TheZenLabs

Hey thanks for checking out brother

mensrea profile image

So 90% "Don't be bad/lazy at web dev and make your webpage properly" and only 1 bullshit voodoo "guess how the algorithm works", solid article!

thesohailjafri profile image
Sohail SJ | TheZenLabs

for SEO you can't be lazy you have to cover every edge case optimize for every other schema and tag feed algo as much as possible don't just reply on keywords

lurodriguez profile image
L Rodríguez

I use NextJS as part of my stack currently. I really appreciate the list, SEO is very important for public facing websites.

thesohailjafri profile image
Sohail SJ | TheZenLabs

Gald you found it useful. give it a save if you haven't.

sahil_reigns_4776e181e6f7 profile image

Time to add them to my project!

thesohailjafri profile image
Sohail SJ | TheZenLabs • Edited

We are providing quality here you better follow

immayuresh_tiwari_ profile image
Mayuresh Tiwari


heterl0 profile image
Văn Hiếu Lê

Hi @thesohailjafri
Which is better for image optimization: using local images or a CDN? Currently, I use Cloudflare R2 for CDN and host my site on a 1Gbps Ethernet VPS.

mishmanners profile image
Michelle Duke

Great checklist - I'll be keeping an eye on this so I can follow it 😄.

sira profile image

thanks for sharing such insight checklist and adding the links to various site