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Feeling a bit stuck

Hello friends,

I realize this is probably a strange format for this page, but i am going to do it anyway.

As the title suggests, I am feeling a bit stuck. I went to college and received a degree that is basically a web development degree. I work as a product manager, but I have always wanted to be a web developer since I was a teenager. I make pretty good money as a product manager and have a family to support, so I don't feel like I have the luxury of taking a pay cut to switch careers, but I also don't think I could reasonably ask a company to pay me for web development the amount I currently make. I also feel like my education was just simply not good enough to make me marketable. I am trying to learn more and practice to get to the point where I feel like I can call myself a professional.

What would be your advice for someone in my position? Anything that you feel would help me find success?


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