DEV Community

Discussion on: Top 10 open source development tools (tried and tested)

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Thomas Leon Highbaugh

Using oh-my-zsh instead of taking a few hours to fully configure your own zsh configuration (you can still use oh-my-zsh's plugins, you just have to adapt the code somewhat) is being penny wise pound stupid. Sure you save time at the onset of the configuration but you sacrifice a lot of control, are wholly accepting the at times questionable decisions of oh-my-zsh and the startup time of oh-my-zsh is absolutely awful if you are loading more than a few plugins. Plus who actually needs to keep all those theme files? If you have a decent Xresources that defines colors, you shouldn't even really need any of the basic themes and bringing in powerlevel10k on its own is easy enough.

Sure oh-my-zsh is a great place to start, but once you understand how shell configurations generally work and how to search Github for other people's to use as examples, its not something anyone serious should be using long term unless they like waiting for their shell to load. Here's my zsh configuration, just to give you an example (its not that great, I would look around for another to use as the basis but this gives you an idea)