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Discussion on: DevTips: Use early returns to avoid nested conditions

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Thomas Junkツ • Edited

Regarding code complexity, you are totally right. But regarding reading complexity I think you underestimate the cognitive load which you are putting on the reader. I'll try to elaborate on what I mean

To fully grasp what the function is doing, you start reading top down.
You come to a halt at this line:

return loading ? loadingMessage() : existsMessage(result);

This is an easy to digest statement. I think we both agree on that. But - as I have written above - you are hiding simple stuff behind simple stuff.

If I ask you, new to the code

What does the function return

the answer at this point of reading is dependend on loading. And if I ask you further

What is the exact text?

you have to scan down the lines first to loadingMessage where you have to parse

loadingMessage() {
    return 'Loading...';

Which is - as I have said above - a simple function. But to understand what the characters are doing, you have to read and parse the first line loadingMessage which tells you something which you are not interested in (the name of a function) and besides that () indicate that this is a function and {} are used to indicate the scope of the function. As soon as you start reading the first line, you wander to the last line to fully grasp what this function is about. The middle line tells you »Oh, it's just about returning a constant. Never mind«

After your journey to the parts below the actual return statement - remember: this is where we came from - you have to jump back to the line where we branched off (even mentally).

The explanation of the second part of your ternary and the parsing of the second function I leave up to the reader.

So I think I have good reasons to claim that the reading flow and in turn the readability of this code is worse than necessary. Additionally we could experiment with fellow programmers and eye tracking how distracting the patterns are which the eyes have to take to understand this part of the code. Further I would claim not only that I have good reasons but perhaps could proove my point with experiments.

To repeat my point:
In general this is a good practice. It is of course for a reason that we do not write 1000 lines functions. And when we split those we pay the price of doing extra mental work - as in your case - to improve our reading experience, because we structure our code from the more abstract but easy to understand parts of the code down to the nitty gritty details which may not so easy to digest nor understand. So the win is there understandability and using mental ressources effectively.

Why isn't the general practice not good in this example:
Because I have to walk a mental extra mile without gaining anything. I am distracted, my eyeballs have to do extra work only to see, that you are returning a string. Which is trivial.

This is like putting a saucer on a napkin on plastic tablecloth. So when soup drips it drips at least not on the tablecloth which is easy to clean up.

Therefore I came to the conclusion

So for this example it is not the best refactoring choice