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Tiago Azevedo
Tiago Azevedo

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ReactJS for beginners: Overcoming the impression of complexity

If you're starting out in web development, you've probably heard of ReactJS. However, like me when I first encountered it, you might have gotten the impression that it brings more complexity than benefits to your project. In this post, we'll explore why ReactJS is an excellent choice for beginners, despite its initial apparent complexity.

Demystifying the initial impression of complexity

When we first encounter ReactJS, it's common to feel a bit intimidated. After all, a bunch of things we've never seen when using HTML, CSS, and Javascript appear, such as:

  • JSX
  • Components
  • State
  • Props
  • Hooks

These concepts might seem advanced and distant. And right off the bat, the question that arises is: "Why complicate something that already works with simpler technologies?"

Why this impression is misleading

The truth is, although ReactJS has these new and "scary" concepts, it was designed to simplify the development of complex web applications. Let's explore why:

1. Componentization: Simplifying the structure

React allows you to divide your interface into reusable components.
If components are reusable, why not make a styled button just once and use it almost always? Or even better, why not use ready-made buttons and components (if they're reusable, someone must have already made them)? So you can use libraries with ready-made components like: Ant Design, shadcn/UI, Chakra UI, among others.

This might seem complex at first, but it actually makes your code:

  • More organized
  • Easier to maintain in the long run
  • MUCH faster to develop

2. Virtual DOM: Automatic optimization

React's Virtual DOM is another concept that might seem complicated initially, but in reality, it simplifies your work. Imagine not having to worry about manually updating each part of your interface when the data changes. React does this for you, updating only what's necessary (the components that have their properties changed).

3. JSX: HTML and JavaScript united

JSX is initially a bit confusing, as it combines HTML with JavaScript in a single syntax. However, using JSX only makes your code more readable and intuitive. This mix of JS and HTML eliminates the need for DOM manipulations; you can manage your interface just by using states. Once you get used to JSX, you'll realize that it helps you a lot in building interfaces and makes development using React easier.

4. Hooks: Simplifying state logic

React Hooks, like useState and useEffect, sound difficult at first, and it really is a more time-consuming part initially. However, as you get used to them, you realize that they actually greatly simplify how you manage your application's state and what will happen in your components when states change, making your code cleaner and easier to understand.

5. Rich ecosystem: Don't reinvent the wheel

React's vast ecosystem is a big advantage. Many common problems have already been solved by the community. This means you can focus on building your application, instead of solving problems that others have already solved. And reuse components and use libraries as mentioned in componentization.

Overcoming the learning curve

It's normal to feel a bit lost at first. Here are some tips to overcome this initial phase:

  1. Start with the basics: Focus on understanding components, props, and state before moving on to more complex concepts.
  2. Practice with small projects: Start with simple applications and gradually increase complexity.
  3. Use the official documentation: React's documentation is excellent and includes many interactive tutorials.
  4. Join online communities: Participate in React forums and groups to ask questions and learn from other developers.


Although ReactJS might seem complex at first glance, as you start to understand the reasons behind its structure, you'll discover that it actually simplifies web application development. The initial learning curve is compensated by the productivity and organization that React brings to your projects.

Remember: every new technology seems complicated at first. The secret is to dive in and practice. Over time, you'll see that React is not only accessible to beginners but also a library that will elevate your web development skills.

And you, what was your first impression of React? How was your learning journey? Share in the comments!

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