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Tiago Martinho
Tiago Martinho

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Interacting with your database with jOOQ


In the world of modern software development, interacting with databases is a common requirement. jOOQ, short for Java Object Oriented Querying, is a powerful and popular open-source library that provides a fluent API for building type-safe SQL queries. In this blog post, we will explore the process of setting up jOOQ and making queries using this versatile tool.

Setting Up jOOQ

To begin using jOOQ, we first need to set it up in our project. The first step is to include the jOOQ dependency in our build configuration file. Whether you are using Maven or Gradle, you can easily add the jOOQ dependency by specifying the appropriate coordinates.


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dependencies {
    implementation 'org.jooq:jooq:3.18.6'
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Once the dependency is added, we need to generate the jOOQ classes that will represent our database schema. jOOQ provides a code generation tool that can analyze the structure of our database and generate the necessary classes. This tool can be configured through an XML file or programmatically using the jOOQ API.

Here is an example of configuring the code generation tool programmatically:

Configuration configuration = new Configuration()
    .withJdbc(new Jdbc()
    .withGenerator(new Generator()
        .withDatabase(new Database()
        .withGenerate(new Generate()
        .withTarget(new Target()

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After generating the jOOQ classes, we need to establish a connection to our database. jOOQ supports a wide range of database systems, including popular ones like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle. We can configure the database connection properties in our project's configuration file and use the jOOQ API to establish the connection.

Here is an example of establishing a connection to a PostgreSQL database:

Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/mydatabase", "username", "password");
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Making Queries with jOOQ

Once we have set up jOOQ and established a connection to our database, we can start making queries using the fluent API provided by jOOQ. jOOQ allows us to write SQL queries in a type-safe and convenient manner, making it easier to work with our database.

To make a query, we first need to create a jOOQ DSLContext object, which serves as the entry point for executing queries.

DSLContext dslContext = DSL.using(connection, SQLDialect.POSTGRES);
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We can then use the DSLContext object to build our query by chaining method calls to construct the desired SQL statement.

Here is an example of a simple query that fetches all authors with the name “Tiago” from the AUTHOR table:

Result<Record> result =
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And we can iterate through the Result like so:

for (Record record : result) {
    int id = record.getValue(Tables.AUTHOR.ID);
    String name = record.getValue(Tables.AUTHOR.NAME);
    System.out.println("Author ID: " + id + ", Name: " + name);
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Finally, here is an example for inserting a record. In this case:

    .set(Tables.AUTHOR.ID, 2)
    .set(Tables.AUTHOR.NAME, "Jane Doe")
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An alternative syntax for inserting the same record would be:

      .values(100, "Tiago")
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jOOQ is a powerful tool that simplifies the process of interacting with databases in Java applications. By providing a fluent API for building type-safe SQL queries, jOOQ makes it easier to write and maintain database code.

In this blog post, we discussed the process of setting up jOOQ and making queries using its intuitive API. With jOOQ, developers can focus more on the business logic of their applications and spend less time dealing with low-level database interactions.

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