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Paulo GP
Paulo GP

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Exploring (Some) Python Integrated Development Environments


In the realm of programming, an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) serves as a comprehensive platform for developers to write, debug, and deploy their code efficiently. An IDE typically includes features such as code editing, debugging tools, project management, and integration with version control systems, providing a unified environment for software development.

What is an IDE?

An Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is a software application that consolidates various tools and features to facilitate software development. These tools often include a code editor, compiler or interpreter, debugger, and build automation tools. By offering a centralized interface, an IDE streamlines the development process and enhances developer productivity.

Difference between an IDE vs Text Editor

While both Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) and text editors serve as platforms for writing code, they differ significantly in terms of functionality and scope.

  • Text Editor: A text editor is a lightweight software application primarily focused on editing and manipulating plain text files. Text editors offer basic features like syntax highlighting, search and replace functionality, and text formatting. Examples include Notepad, Vim, and Sublime Text.

  • IDE (Integrated Development Environment): An IDE, on the other hand, is a comprehensive software suite designed to support the entire software development lifecycle. In addition to code editing capabilities, IDEs incorporate tools for debugging, testing, and project management. They often provide features such as code completion, version control integration, and project templates. Examples of IDEs include PyCharm, Visual Studio Code, and Eclipse.

IDE List


About: IDLE, short for Integrated Development and Learning Environment, comes bundled with the standard Python distribution. It provides a simple yet functional environment for writing and executing Python code. IDLE includes features like syntax highlighting, code completion, and an interactive shell.


  • Lightweight and beginner-friendly.
  • Comes pre-installed with Python.
  • Suitable for quick scripting and experimentation.


  • Limited features compared to other IDEs.
  • Lack of advanced debugging tools.

Download: IDLE

2. NeoVim

About: NeoVim is a modern incarnation of the Vim text editor, equipped with powerful plugins and extensions. With its extensibility and customisable nature, NeoVim can be transformed into a robust Python IDE through various plugins like coc.nvim and deoplete.


  • Highly customisable and efficient.
  • Offers a vast array of plugins for Python development.
  • Supports split windows and terminal integration.


  • Steep learning curve for beginners.
  • Requires configuration for optimal usage.

Download: NeoVim

3. Sublime Text

About: Sublime Text is a popular text editor known for its speed and simplicity. While not exclusively designed for Python development, it boasts a rich ecosystem of plugins and themes that can enhance the Python coding experience.


  • Fast and responsive interface.
  • Extensive plugin support for Python development.
  • Cross-platform compatibility.


  • Requires manual installation of plugins for specific Python features.
  • Proprietary software with a paid license (although an unlimited free trial is available).

Download: Sublime Text

4. Spyder

About: Spyder is a scientific computing IDE designed specifically for data analysis and research-oriented Python programming. It integrates seamlessly with libraries like NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib, making it an excellent choice for data scientists and analysts.


  • Built-in support for data analysis tools.
  • Features an interactive IPython console.
  • Includes debugging and profiling capabilities.


  • Heavy on resources, especially for large datasets.
  • UI might feel cluttered for some users.

Download: Spyder

5. Visual Studio Code (VS Code)

About: VS Code has emerged as one of the most popular and versatile code editors in recent years, thanks to its lightweight nature and extensive customisation options. With the help of Python extensions like Python and Pylance, VS Code transforms into a robust Python IDE.


  • Fast and lightweight with a sleek interface.
  • Vast extension marketplace for Python development.
  • Built-in Git integration and debugging support.


  • Requires manual installation of Python extensions.
  • Some features may require additional configuration.

Download: VS Code

6. PyCharm

About: PyCharm is a powerful Python IDE developed by JetBrains, renowned for its comprehensive feature set tailored for professional Python development. It offers intelligent code assistance, refactoring tools, and built-in support for web development frameworks like Django and Flask.


  • Advanced code analysis and debugging capabilities.
  • Seamless integration with version control systems.
  • Extensive support for web development and frameworks.


  • Heavier on system resources compared to lightweight editors.
  • Certain features are exclusive to the paid version (PyCharm Professional).

Download: PyCharm

7. Jupyter Notebook

About: Jupyter Notebook is an interactive computing environment that enables users to create and share documents containing live code, equations, visualisations, and narrative text. While not a traditional IDE, Jupyter Notebook is immensely popular in the Python community, particularly for data exploration and prototyping.


  • Supports a wide range of programming languages, including Python.
  • Interactive execution of code cells fosters experimentation and collaboration.
  • Rich output capabilities for visualisations and data representation.


  • Lack of robust debugging tools compared to dedicated IDEs.
  • Limited support for project organisation and version control.

Download: Jupyter


Choosing the right Python IDE is crucial for maximizing productivity and enjoyment during the development process. Whether you prioritize simplicity, customization, or specialized features for data analysis, there's an IDE tailored to suit your needs. By exploring the diverse options outlined in this chapter, you'll be well-equipped to select an IDE that aligns with your workflow and enhances your Python programming experience.

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