What is a .split method?
The .split method is a string method that is used to split a string into an array of substrings based on a specified delimiter. By default, the delimiter is a space, but you can provide any character or regular expression pattern to determine where the string should be split.
# Using .split to split a string into an array of words
sentence = "This is a sample sentence"
words = sentence.split
puts words
# Output: ["This", "is", "a", "sample", "sentence"]
You can also provide a custom delimiter as an argument to .split. For example, using a comma as the delimiter:
# Using .split with a custom delimiter (comma)
csv_data = "John,Doe,30"
fields = csv_data.split(',')
puts fields
# Output: ["John", "Doe", "30"]
How and when to use the .split method?
The .split method is particularly useful when working with text data and you need to extract individual components from a delimited string. Here are some common use cases:
1) Parsing CSV (Comma-Separated Values) Data:
csv_line = "Alice,25,New York"
user_data = csv_line.split(',')
2) Extracting Paths or File Names:
file_path = "/path/to/my/file.txt"
parts = file_path.split('/')
3) Handling Input with Multiple Values:
user_input = gets.chomp
values = user_input.split(',')
4) Tokenizing Text:
text = "Tokenizing this text into individual words"
tokens = text.split(' ')
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